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About ltsmiles89

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  1. ltsmiles89

    portable generator?!

    Can someone tell me how to power one? I put it next to a fuel pump that says needs power, but it still says needs power. Halp plz?
  2. ltsmiles89

    E3 and our attendance

    First gameplay from E3 was released today. Go check it out.
  3. ltsmiles89

    E3 and our attendance

    I really want to go to E3 someday, I hope that they change it so that anyone can go, like it used to be. Can't wait for SA
  4. ltsmiles89

    I am done [Bandit Suggestion]

    If you can't beat them, join them.
  5. ltsmiles89

    Ghillie dude at stary....

    Bang Bang, No ghillie who has that gear is going to be friendly.
  6. That's good, wish I could join you guys
  7. I do think she exists, Rocket talked about her and Dr. Wasteland in an interview he did.
  8. rhinoCRUNCH is an ass in my opinion, if you have seen his recent video, you will understand
  9. ltsmiles89

    [DAYZ SA] - ultimate Q&A

    Will new melee weapoons be added over time?
  10. ltsmiles89

    Day Z Urban Legends

    can anyone tell me how to the status sort of thing, like On the coast,or bean king. CAN SOMEONE tell me i really want to know
  11. ltsmiles89

    Day Z Urban Legends

    Same thing happened to me, me and my friend had repaired a little bird and were flying to th coast when we past Rog and saw a tractor in the forest. I bailed from the helicopter to check it out while my friend waited overhead. As i got in it was fully working, the moment i started driving it went full redand started flaming, so i got out. The moment i got out it exploded and killed me and almost damaged my friends helicopter. He got my gear and picked me up, but it was strange that the tractor had exploded. I also heard that another friend a while back said that he died when he tried to drive a tractor. Is this a glitch, or are tractors sick of our sh*t.
  12. ltsmiles89

    Day Z Urban Legends

    So this is the second freaky thing to happen to me. I was playing Wasteland and having fun when i started getting shot at. I ran but broke my leg and was helpless as someobody by the name of Source approached me. He walked up to me and shot me so i fell unconscious. I was dead, i knew that, but i couldnt do anything while i watched the blood counter and the unconciousness timer race down. He came closer and lent down to me. He started saying a bunch of random crap i didnt listen to. The unconciousness timer was almost out so i put my headset back on, got off my iphone, and readied myself to shoot back. I then heard him say ...so decide, now or later. As i woke up i asked what he was talking about. He said, "you didnt hear any of that? Me: "Nah" Source: You have made a mistake. *BANG* and the "You Are Dead" screen appeared. Meh, might as well sleep. the next day i woke up and started to play DayZ. On the server i was looting Zelenogorsk and found some food/drink in the supermarket, as well as some ammo for my Lee Enfield. I started to run to Stary Sobor, but got lost. I was running South when i saw *Source has connected* Wow, its him, hope he doesnt preach random crap to me again. As i was running i saw something in the distance. Green Mountain. I headed towards it to get my bearings and continue to Stary, where i was meeting with my friends. when i got there i started looting, finding nothing but some mags for military guns i didnt have. As i was walking out of the tower a man was blocking my way, he had nothing but a machete, i hovered my crosshair over him, seeing what his name was. Player (Source). Huh, i decided to speak to him over direct chat. Me: Are you the same guy from wasteland? Source: Do you remember what i said? Me: Nope. Source: You have made another mistake. One warning left. I have got him into a state of calm, i aimed my gun and shot him square in the head. Source: You will regret this. Me: OK, cool. Source: Ha, so innocent. *Source has disconnected* I took what little gear he had and played on another server. After a while of looting and banditing in elektro, i took a bike and headed up to Stary. I found some decent gear and started to head off. After a while of riding, i stopped to eat, drink and check my supplies. I saw a car up ahead and decided to check it. Broken, no gear, hardly suprising. As i turned around, i saw a man. Machete, nothing else. I lowered my gun and asked, who are you. Source: Did you forget already? How was he doing this, he was following me. Me: How are you following me? Source: None of your concern. This guy had to be a hacker. Me: Well piss off, you are clearly a hacker dick who has decided to troll someone. How about you get off your 12 year old ass, and do something with your life. Source: thats not very nice, James. He knows my name! OK this is getting out of hand Me: How do you know my name? Source: Yet again, that is none of your concern. Do you remember what i said. Me: No, why are you following me. Source: None of your concern. Me: Piss off. Source: Do you remember what i said Me: No and i dont care. Source: I told you you would regret this I raised my gun, but he moved fast, faster than normal. Hacks, i presume. He slashed my character, and as i fell towards the ground, bleeding, unconcsious, he muttered 7 words Source: I told you you would regret this. *You are Dead* My jaw hit the table, he had followed me, knew my name, and killed me How? As the shock wore off, i joined another server. 5 Minutes later, the message appeared *Source has connected*
  13. ltsmiles89

    Day Z Urban Legends

    The creature lurks in the uninhabited areas of Namalsk. The forest, plains, anywhere that is abandoned. Dont go out there alone, or dont go out there at all
  14. ltsmiles89

    Day Z Urban Legends

    exactly, i enjoy reading all of these.