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Everything posted by SixGunLover

  1. SixGunLover

    Silliest excuse for an Admin Ban.

    It's supposed to be a survival game, being shoot in the first 20min is not normal.
  2. SixGunLover

    Silliest excuse for an Admin Ban.

    I must agree with jdz, but since your kind are legion on dayz and that you seem to be there to stay, just dont kill fresh spawn.
  3. What about the modification of brightness and gamma to see better at night? Nah, if some players choose to play that way to have ''an unfair advantage'' over you, who care, you will die any way since Dayz is now a full pvp arena. Your proposition will only gave you another 'unfair advantage'' over some others player that will have a crappy fps because of that.
  4. SixGunLover

    rant about server restarts.

    I must agree, this is your fault, no offence. Just read the 30min, 15min, 10min, 5min, 1min notification, or at least one of them.
  5. SixGunLover

    Crafting Discussion only

    +1 bow, arrows, tomahawks, spears, javelins.
  6. SixGunLover

    Fun PvE

    Seem pretty easy to understand to me. In the RED corner of the ring we have a full pvp mess of KOS. In the BLUE corner of the ring we have a full pve fest of zombies killing. None of them are realistic, but since some of us are looking for something ''in the middle'' (that would be a realism survivor game), sometime we play on a pve server, sometime on a pvp server, life is not perfect, the Dayz community neither.
  7. SixGunLover

    Want to Start a None Shoot on Sight Team

    I’m not sure that I will have enough time to play as a member of a clan for now. But I definitively want to play on a server where you guys will be. PM me the server(s) than you will choose ValorOnPC. Who know, maybe a clan of bandits who do not KOS will join and then we will have again a realism Dayz experience.
  8. SixGunLover

    This JUST happened

    I have edited the last part of my previous post just before just post your. But you know, this a forum, a lot of discussion can be create around a single word.
  9. SixGunLover

    This JUST happened

    I agree with Darryl Dixon, Dayz is no longer unique since people use the game to KOS. So by now it’s just 'another shooter game', the difference? You have to eat and drink.. woah.. big deal. We should at least have one type of survivor that are not allowed to shoot at other players or by shoot by other players without provocation. A children skin for example. If a player steal the ATV of the kid, the kid can open fire, if a bandit want the ATV of the kid, to kid must comply or be shot, etc. Just a little something to 'tag' a player so the rest of the server will know that this person want a realism experience without beings shoot down at every corners (the thing that remind us that this is just an unrealistic game). Seriously, 3 AKM shot on the back of the kid or a .50 bullet in the head just because he is breathing? Yeah.. sure, that how 99% of the population will react in a post-apocalyptic outbreak without even considering other option like training the kid to become your food runner while you cover him. [edited]: But I have to add that Kiba Inuzuka is not 'all wrong' since many of us are now forced to KOS on normal servers. So in the same situation, who know, I could have reacted the same way. God bless the COD generation for their great contribution on this 'survivor simulation game'..
  10. SixGunLover

    What is your favorite troll on DayZ

    Nah, I never troll. I assume that people want to have some good time when 'playing' a game, so I try to have fun without taking their fun. But I suppose that trolling a 'dick' is justified and can be fun.
  11. SixGunLover

    You're fav location?

    Isolated village_1 with a store Isolated village_2 with a store
  12. SixGunLover

    What would you have done?

    Pretty much yeah. If it was an accident, they must understand that your reaction was normal because their actions seem hostile.
  13. SixGunLover

    DayZ SA: Endgame content

    Hm, in my opinion, if people want a full pew pew game(pvp), no need for end game. If people want a realism survival game with some pvp, end game stuff can be necessary (like my last suggestion in this topic).
  14. SixGunLover

    Favorite DayZ Map?

    I think that panthera would be my favorite, but the map is bugged: loots and zombies do not always spawn. So, Chernarus.
  15. SixGunLover

    Backpack solution for big items?

    In my opinion, we should only be able to carry these items in our hands, so obviously one at the time. You still carry everything you had before grabing that fuel tank for example, but now, you can't loot anything, you can't use your primary/secondary weapon, you can't open/close doors, etc.
  16. SixGunLover

    DayZ SA: Endgame content

    I dislike every achievement system. In my opinion, the 'Endgame content' of Dayz should be being part of a survivors community and then incorporate a clan system that allow some base/building fortification/modification/customisation. So a clan can offer you their protection and the access of their defended buildings if you do your part in the community. You can then become a food and drink gatherer of this clan, a STEAK hunter, an ammo finder, a car part scavenger, etc. Each day your sorry ass must bring back something to the main camp and eventually you may become a bus driver or even the pilot of a squad and maybe even a soldier of the clan. Your job can be to run nearly naked in the streets of cherno to bring back stuff while 2-3 ak soldier cover you in the streets and 2-3 dmr soldier keep an eye on you. If one day Dayz become THAT kind of game, it would be GLORIOUS!
  17. SixGunLover

    Winchester 1866

    You may or may not be right DrGonzo, but for home defense, my trust is in tomahawks.
  18. SixGunLover

    The best Dayz tip you have ever heard

    Stay away from ATV.
  19. 'I've got killed on sight one time too much.' -Frosti Pretty much that. And then I find out that the vast majority of bandits take absolutely no precaution and didn’t use any elaborate tactic (in short, no skill involve here), so it was a shame to die by their hands when in fact it is so easy to dispatch a little clan.
  20. SixGunLover

    Why are people so hostile???

    to Victim187 I read every comment, but it's don't seem to be your case since you can't understand my intervention. From this point, focus on the topic please.
  21. SixGunLover

    Good Old Friendlies: Let's Make a Comeback!

    Nice initiative, I will watch your interactions. But since a lot of 'friendly' got beated to death so many time without any chance to return fire and then turned into cold blooded KOS stalker/murderer (including me), the task will be hard. It will be probably easier to convince the 'real bandits' than the 'ex-friendly'.
  22. SixGunLover

    Hacked keys

    Use your first language please, we will translate it if necessary.. but for now, no one understand your post MarioZ.
  23. My First DayZ Experience With an UNfriendly Player? Hm, first of all they were 3, had an heli and an hero was among them. I had like 2 weeks of game experience on a private hive with 0-2 players online (panthera) and the help of a friend to understand the game mechanisms, so, it was enough to begin on the real DayZ chernarus map. I spawned, found an axe, kill 2-3 zombies in an house for a makarov and then I begin to run in the wood only to be chased by an heli an is machine gun. At one point they drop a guy, the hero, I don't know what killed me since the hero was shooting at me with is ak-74 and the heli gunner with is m240.. so yeah, I died, Welcome to 'Dayz'.
  24. SixGunLover

    Most annoying way you have died in DayZ?

    I think that I am an 'Ok' heli pilot, I have a lot of practice and make it easy for the gunner... but by two time I didnt manage well enough my mouse scrolling and hit ''turn off the engine''. :facepalm:
  25. SixGunLover

    Why are people so hostile???

    Sad but true, even a friendly player on dayz will become a cold blooded murderer eventualy, it's only a matter of time. I was once the friendly type and I got kill many, many, many time because of that. Since then I no longer avoid conflict, that the attitude that get you killed after all, I don't even bother to loot their bodies most of the time.. I didnt kill them for their stuff after all. Your best option is to find a no-pvp server to play on it sometime when you feel like that. But, some kids/noobs/jerks/cheaters will always find their way and kill your from time to time, even on these servers, so, look for no-pvp and active admin, that a must.