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Everything posted by SixGunLover

  1. SixGunLover

    Airfield loot ruins this game. Please Read

    Military weapons and ammo should be more rare, yeah.. But before that, barns, farms, cabins, deer stand, etc should have good chance to spawn hunting rifles, pistols, shotguns, etc. imho Aka i dont care to play 98% of the time with a double barrel shotgun and 2% with military weapons.. if i can actually find one. ^^
  2. SixGunLover

    Lost it all!

    Here my suggestion: gear yourself with ammo, guns, foods, drink, nice clothing and just... Jump from the tower at green mountain if nobody was there to execute you, repeat 2-3 times. After that, you will really appreciate the game without really caring about your stuff. That an honest suggestion, finding gear is a lot of fun, hoarding is boring and lead to frustration upon dead.
  3. SixGunLover

    Still cant find Mosin?

    Schools, last floor, the little room with a door. That a weapon spawn but it can be any of them.
  4. I agree, it was a great work. Funny too. :)
  5. SixGunLover

    Why everyone is soo unfriendly?

    Why everyone is so unfriendly? Hmm.. Some people are just unfriendly in this kind of game, so, they kos you the first time, the second time, and so on... And one day you start to kos too because you're sick and tired of just lay down and die each time. Someday you kos some friendly dude who become berserk too because of you and so on. From this point, everyone kos. If you want to have fun, keep an eye on the unarmed and destroy or avoid everyone that is armed.
  6. SixGunLover

    How does KOS effect the way you play?? (My story)

    In short, from friendly to hero to KOS most of the time (mod included). Not bandit, since i try to avoid confrontation and i do not shoot at unarmed player. I snipe from time to time but only if a player is already where i want to go, i do not camp the hot spots with a scoped rifle for example. All in all, nearly all interaction become a deathmatch, except if the "friendly yelling player" stop "looking for help" in my direction and really walk the other way when i ask politely.
  7. I see. Lets see if the player hunting will still be the main feature at the release then.
  8. Dean was talking about a number of 4000-8000-10000 zeds. When we will have that number of enemies running, crawling, jumping in every direction.. I think that we will achieve a good balance. Even more if the remaining zeds just tear apart every players body and destroy the loot in the process. In the alpha at this point, the main feature is player hunting, so KOS in the main attitude. When the main feature will be zeds, we will still have pvp and KOS but also a huge number of hero to set the score (a fully geared camo sneaky player who do not fight zeds with furious anger is suspect, to name only this one).
  9. SixGunLover

    where to find the mosin rifle

    School. There are a single room on the last floor that spawn one weapon usually, it can be a pistol, an m4a1 and a mosin so far.
  10. SixGunLover

    The Alpha NEEDS a SUICIDE option!

    I'm also for the addition of a suicide option. But yeah, some people may abuse it to respawn where they want. We just have to limit it to 1 time each 15min. That cannot be abused since the guy who want to respawn will find another way to die within these 15 minutes and the guy who trigger some bugs is unlikely to found 4 of them each hours. Or just allow us to use the respawn option no matter our health condition but only when our char is 15min old.
  11. SixGunLover

    Black & White

    I must agree for the lost of colors part, it should not be so drastic. But the worse for me is the blurring effect (when nearly dead), that literaly hurt my eyes after some minutes (yeah i know, some of you still have near perfect visual acuity, but for some others the blurring effect is literally a pain after 1-3minutes ). If the vast majority of the player also have an issue with these visual effects, it should be remove in my opinion. At any case, i will continue to kill myself when the blurring screen show up, i can live with it.
  12. SixGunLover

    every server is dark

    Same, i don't like those 24h daylight server, it just don't feel the same and we miss many great opportunity that only the cover of the night can provide. But at the same time, we should have the choice to play at night or not depending of our mood and the server selected.
  13. SixGunLover

    Ok i get it.. its alpha.. but this is worse than the mod.

    The only "big" issue that i have currently with the game is that its always night when i feel like playing but most importantly teaching some friend how to play; what is a bug, what is not, what is already in game, what will be added, etc. That unfortunate that their first impression is bad since they can't find a daytime server to learn the basic, how to play and be "ready" for the night time. My guess is that it will be addressed in priority, but that still unfortunate.
  14. The night is indeed very dark. We may have to wait until each time zone is correctly tuned up. We all know that night is a great part of this game, but after an hard week of work (or studying or whatever you are doing) that the player alone who should decide if he want to play at night or not. I used to play on many different server depending of my mood (new york, california, eu, uk, etc). Sometime the player want to play at night, sometime not, lets wait until the time zone are correctly configured to do so (if this is the solution).
  15. SixGunLover

    Reason behind your Forum avatar?

    Love or hate (or both): that is the question.
  16. SixGunLover

    Vehicle Covers

    Being able to use camouflage netting, painted blanket, conifer branch to cover our cars in a good idea in my opinion.. but bike crafting, I'm not sure. I means why do you want to build from scratch a bike, a car, a house,a boat if thousand of dead people leave your their for you to use/repair, crafting them make no sense.
  17. SixGunLover

    Give us a melee weapon slot!

    There will be quick slots/buttons in SA and in my opinion that a great thing (but I don’t have many details about that). The quick button or quick slot is not an issue as long as there are an animation that take 2-5 sec after pressing it. So you can have your main weapon in F1, secondary in F2 and melee in F3 but if you switch from your main to your F3 (melee) with a real quick button pressing, it will take 2-5 sec any way to equip your melee because of the animation.
  18. SixGunLover

    Give us a melee weapon slot!

    Bandolier, to be able to switch to your melee weapon without having to drup your gun and/or put it in your bag is a great idea.
  19. SixGunLover

    Acceptable age to play?

    Anyone who respects other players, is mentally mature, and respectful of other players should be allowed to play. - colekern Pretty much that.
  20. SixGunLover

    Give us a melee weapon slot!

    When I hunt, I have my rifle (main), my two tomahawks (melee) and my knife (secondary), I can easily run for a long distance if necessary with that and the rest of my equipment (no, I don’t carry any tires or fuel tank). My knife is attached to my thigh, I can easily carry a pistol instead. My rifle can be in my hands (no hands free), on my shoulder (one hand free) and on my back (2 hand free). My two tomahawks are attached to my belt, I can easily carry a machete/crowbar/katana/’name it’ instead. I can assure you that with a quick and simple move (less than 1-3 sec) my two hands are free and ready to grab my tomahawks while my gun is on my back. I can easily stand up and walk without any issues. Running is something else, I still need 3-4 sec to fix my rifle correctly on my back. So definitely, I also think that we should be able to use our main, our secondary and a melee weapon ‘a lot more easier that it is right now’. [edit] And in a very hostile environment (such as a zombies apocalypse), I can also assure you that any of you will do ‘the little move’ 3 time faster or just drop your gun real quick and start your hack and slash. Nothing can explain all the trouble that we have right now to switch to our melee weapon except the limitations of the mod, imo.
  21. SixGunLover

    That's unbeleivable, but that happened...

    I once head shot a dude from 234m with a m9 sd, video will be up soon. :D [Edit] but that funny if that actualy happen potapmisha.
  22. SixGunLover


    In my opinion, a 'cache' like the picture in this article is just perfect for a zombie apocalypse: http://www.thetimes.co.uk/tto/news/uk/scotland/article2565122.ece Nothing too fancy, hide in if you want, but 4-5 makarov bullets can still put you to sleep.
  23. SixGunLover

    Zombies Spawning Idoors

    The game already have the solution for this kind of situation, but it's not working very well (or not at all). Fixing the throwing objects can be THE solution. In the same scenario you could just find an empty can and throw it somewhere near the building, The zombie will then exit in the direction of the noise (where you must not hide yourself of course) and bingo, looting time.
  24. People are evil, stay away from them.
  25. I also have an admin abuse story (like many other) but just by common sense I know that this is not the vast majority of the admin that are trolling around.