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Everything posted by SixGunLover

  1. SixGunLover

    When I read this topic ...

    The first ''friendly yelling dude'' that I meet in the SA what running behind me with a firefighter axe in hands. Maybe he was, maybe he wasn't.
  2. SixGunLover

    Why I Kill On Sight

    Hm.. next to everything is ruined when you shoot someone atm. If you really want to ''Loot others for your survival'' at this stage of the alpha, try to sneak on people and handcuff them. That involve some skills, that funny, trilling and most of the time you end up with more pristine stuff that you can carry. You can still shoot the player after that if he is not cooperative or leave him alive and you may have a nice firefight with him or his friends later (but no loots, everything will be ruined).
  3. SixGunLover

    I Love to KoS

    Sometimes I love to eat Canned Tuna.. I can't do nothing about it.. it's just the game..
  4. SixGunLover

    Craftable door

    A metal door alone is nothing and it will not protect you at all. This kind of protection have many flaws: nail, hinge, frame, stud, its own weight, etc. The metal door itself may resist, but not the rest. A good axe, mace, hammer and even a crowbar can easily dispatch this kind of protection. In my opinion, if a player can really install a metal door without any flaws (which is next to impossible on these residential houses), the other players should be allowed to enter in the houses by the windows. If the windows are blocked by metal plates too, the other players should be allowed to burn the place to the ground with some items; gaz canister, fuel canister, matches, alcohol, cocktail molotov, etc Maybe some of the rooms in the shipwreck can be effectively reinforced and some few other places.. but most of the time if you can't roast the walls, you can roast what is inside.
  5. SixGunLover

    Being a bandit that doesn't KoS feels good.

    You sir are playing the hard mode, I respect that.
  6. So ghosting is a mix of combatlog and server hopping, that ugly.
  7. SixGunLover

    The Stalker Files

    Nice pics. I agree, the binocular is a nice tool.
  8. SixGunLover

    Do you kill non VOIP Players?

    I have killed more players with a mic actually, liars and trolls everywhere. If it had no weapon and no voice, not a big deal. If it had a gun, it doesn't matter if it had voice or not, i will usually shot at it.
  9. SixGunLover

    Working out distance from the map

    Great job.
  10. SixGunLover

    Thinking of being helpful? Don't...

    I agree, getting our stuff back by scavenging here and there is a lot of fun too.
  11. SixGunLover

    Unable to shoot handguns.

    Yup, if the pistols were on a dead body, its most likely ruined. Maybe that someone else that drop it there after looting it on a dead body too.
  12. SixGunLover

    Electro Banditry! [VIDEO]

    But that nice to have these kinds of video sometime. If you use the first person view (on first person servers if you want a fair fight) and only shoot at players that carry a weapon, that make some great video sometime.
  13. SixGunLover

    Electro Banditry! [VIDEO]

    Constructive suggestion: use 3PP:OFF servers, most of dayz players are not great fan of 3PP fights. For obvious reasons.
  14. SixGunLover

    Do you combat log?

    No. Every time it's a: challenge accepted. The worse case scenario is still fun any way.
  15. SixGunLover

    Who do you trust the most?

    My compass, i called him wilson, i love to wander in the wood.
  16. SixGunLover

    The giant moving tree of Elektro (strange graphic bug)

    Remind me of the wires fence on the mod, maybe there was an item a the base of this thing.
  17. SixGunLover

    Do you ever server hop?

    Yes, sometimes. But you know how it is.. People kos, so you kos them first.. People use 3PP to ambush you, so you use 3PP to counter their ambush.. And then you play for a while, walk a lot, found a military building with 2 zeds JUST in front of the door, you kill them, open the door, walk in and found only empty clips and some random residential crap.. So you hop 1-2 times and continue your journey.. I do not combatlogoff since i usually avoid people, so if they just vanish, i can't care less. I feel dirty now, i will jump from the tower of green mountain to purge my sins, see you on the coast.
  18. SixGunLover

    Hero or Bandit? I can't make up my mind.

    You can be both. Help unarmed player if you can/want or just leave them alone. Of course they are still a threat but a skilled player can manage. Kill armed player that roam the coast. Kill everything that try to loot the military bases. Trolling or lying to another player on side chat to deceive him and then kill his char is plain pathetic in my opinion. But humanity is beyond help since "god" know when so.. continue your good work. :)
  19. SixGunLover

    Why aren't PvE servers allowed?

    We all know that these servers will exist but will be private. So yeah, why not, keep these players on the publics hive. They will ultimately end up on the regular servers any way. There will be first person only public servers (1 char will be linked to them) - usually veteran players who want to feel the real dayz experience. There will be third person only public servers (1 char will be linked to them) - usually casual players who like to watch their shinny stuff and play casually. Why not: pve/no pvp public servers (1 char can be linked to them) - usually new player who want to learn the game, not the fear and the stress part of the game but the mechanisms, the plain base of the engine. (Friendly fire off) No one in their right mind can deny this kind of servers to the new dayz players. That plain logic, they will first play on them, become better and play on the pvp third view and they will finally taste the real dayz experience on the first person servers when they will be ready. Of course some of em will stick to those servers and kill tons of zeds, whooooo careeee. Seriously, what wrong with that? Aka what wrong with you.
  20. No. But since a freshspawn is no longer defenceless they are more killed on sight that ever, which is a cold shower for new players.
  21. SixGunLover

    Do you remember the first person you met in SA?

    The first dude a saw was running behind me with a firefighter axe yelling that he was friendly. I outrun him since i had nothing in my hands and head up north.
  22. SixGunLover

    Death is final?

    You will have a lot of fun then. But stay away from the other players, they have some kind of sickness that turn them berserker, most of them are more rabid than the zombies.
  23. SixGunLover

    The starting "kit" bothers me.

    Chance are that if you survive from the shipwreck at night.. that because of this flashlight. And now you want to know if the battery is still at full power by licking it. Everything make sense. ^^
  24. I eat a rotten kiwi twice.
  25. Its hard to come up with a good idea to add more player interaction since dayz is played in many different way. Do not forget that a good part of the player base use the game as a sniping simulator, other as a pvp arena and some as a scavenging survival game, etc. If you want to reduce kos, you must find something that do not penalize all those who play the game differently that you. But i agree, considering the aggressive and insulting attitude of a good part of this community, the private servers will soon become the best option of another good part of the player base.