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About theproanaltoad

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    On the Coast
  1. hi, i am looking for someone to team up with that isent to experienced. im not so experienced my self (im not terrible) but i want someone to play with so if you are interested add me on skype and i will tell u more: stian.karlsen. you must speak fluid english! im 15 btw
  2. theproanaltoad

    DayZ Group - Recruiting - Australian/NZ

    Name: theproanaltoad (steam name) i will tell you my real name on skype Do you have Skype/Teamspeak?: i have skype, my skypename is: stian.karlsen. Age: 14 Skill Level 1-10: 5 How often are you on?: about 1-2 hours a day but on weekends im on allot more Are you okay with playing at Night? (server night): yes Where are you from?: norway (i speak english)