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Lukio (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Lukio (DayZ)

  1. Lukio (DayZ)

    Inventory items

    Same here lost 3 morphine after a transfer, was with
  2. Lukio (DayZ)

    Backpack Items Missing.

    DayZ Version ARMA 2 OA latest beta Where: East of Castle Zub Server: EU 44 Time / Date: 1440 / 28.6.2012 Details: Today I died by glitch, a buddy luckily made it and picked up my stuff, sth like two blood bags and 5 morphine, 2 epi-pens. He did this by picking up my czechbackpack where it was inside and then adding the stuff from his old backpack to my czech backpack. ( he still had a coyote patrol pack ). Later I met up with him and he said he'd put the morphine from his pack into the alice pack I had found in the farmhouse east of Castle Zub. He opened the czech pack and transferred several items plus the morphine to the alice pack. I saw it in my alice backpack but when I reopened it to arrange inventory, it was gone. I had enough slots and there was no lag or anything. It wasn't in his inventory or backup either, it just disappeared. This only happened with the morphine, all other items were transferred.
  3. Lukio (DayZ)

    Removal of 3rd person view exploit

    Where now is the exploit? Its only an exploit if other people do not have that advantage. Everyone on a 3rd person has the same possibilities as its active on these servers. Maybe playing on 3rd Person enabled servers is even trickier, because by what you showed very nicely in your video, players have a much better awareness of their surroundings. Even what is going on behind a wall, which is the exact intention of 3rd person. Awareness != what you can actually see, but a mix of gut feeling, sounds, vibrations, orientation, view, peripheral view and knowledge of your surroundings. Judging your video what disturbs you and you call exploiting is that by using 3rd person view the camera mobility should be confined to where you are, not go through walls and not allow you to see above obstacles higher than you. So technically the exploit is not the 3rd person view per se, but the lack of collision and free movement radius of the 3rd person camera. And this is what I think you should have suggested to be looked into in the first place. I think this would have made much more sense.
  4. Although this is not my play style at all, this is pretty awesome, reminds me a lot of the roaming gangs in Mad Max, A boy and his dog and Postman.
  5. Lukio (DayZ)

    Same old story

    I'd say you paid for not being as careful as you were when scouting the deerstand. Your inquisitive nature or curiosity to check outthat dead player body is what got you killed. Admittedly its pretty difficult to stay back and observe before checking out a point of interest. I usually observe a point of interest for several minutes. The things I sometimes saw or heard in these few minutes usually kept me alive a bit longer.
  6. Have only been killed once by another player and it was because I didn't read the signs that someone might be about. Whenever I see another player I usually just retreat and get out of the way. Just yesterday my mate and me looted Cherno hospital and when exiting to the direction of our little group's meeting point, we saw three other players (sprinting over a field lol). We watched them for a while and my buddy by accident stood up. They saw us, there was a short pause, then everyone went prone, changed positions and both parties retreated in separate directions. No communication without approaching to an uncomfortable distance for everyone involved.
  7. Lukio (DayZ)

    Removal of 3rd person view exploit

    *Groans* Not another ... just press Numpad Enter or go on a server where its disabled if you don't like it and think its an "exploit", third person is implemented into ARMA II for a reason (simulation of surround awareness) and some people feel more comfortable and immersed with it. Many people even have problems with nausea and dizziness when playing in first person. Its a decision anyone has to make on his own if he wants/needs it or not.
  8. Lukio (DayZ)

    Thank you Rocket!

    Thank you for a mod to a great game that is (or can be) so tough that its almost a relief. No invisible walls, no "Press X to do something trivial every 10 seconds", no achievement spam. Thank you for a great open adventure where uncertainty and distrust influences your every decision, where you can have fun alone or with others, where your progress is persistent but does not get obfused with killstats, gearscore or rankings. Thank you for making a game where anyone is as vulnerable as a new survivor, where the journey is the goal and not some big bossfight. Thanks to everyone involved for keeping the infrastructure running, moderating the boards, evaluating data and hosting the servers we all play on. To everyone involved, keep on going strong, This mod has the stuff for a very long march and you can be proud of being part of this.
  9. Lukio (DayZ)

    Whats the deal with CRAFTING

    Crafting already is part of the mod. Crafting is already in the mod. Fixing vehicles, creating fireplaces, cooking, changing ammo for different guns. As long as crafting stays on a very basic level that most people could achieve I'm all for it. Survivors fixing up a bike, car, maybe even basic gun repairs yes. Survivors being able to fix up a chopper or airplane is already out of the scope. Fixing boats is where the border between "doable" and "impossible" is for me.
  10. Lukio (DayZ)

    Objective suggestion: finding your family

    Of all the possible places, why would my family be on this unknown piece of land that I was washed ashore on? Would need some solid backstory first.
  11. Lukio (DayZ)

    Stun guns

    Something like this? Out of the way bastards! :D
  12. Lukio (DayZ)

    Starting with tools? Your thoughts..

    I think all players once had excellent equipment, but then they fell from the mysterious boat and only the equipment that was safely secured to their vest and in water safe compartments in the backpack remained.
  13. Lukio (DayZ)

    New item: Blindfold. Does what you think it does.

    So you want to have the experience of seeing nothing but still see something like the HUD and inventory? I don't understand what the blindfold should be useful or necessary for? This whole bilndfold suggestion is confusing - what is the purpose?
  14. You don't communicate it, some scout squads would observe the coastal areas or typical areas other survivors pass through and if they see someone heavily wounded or with bandages they'd pick them up and bring them in. Currently in DayZ this clearly would not work because everyone shoots everything that isn't on a tree by the count of five, I was just thinking of how it would be done in a general apocalyptic scenario - someone with medical skills would be way to "precious" to have him risk anything on his own.
  15. Lukio (DayZ)

    Bleeding after 1 hit

    I'm for bleeding after 1.240429 hits. With 1 hit is way too dangerous, you could run out of bandages!
  16. If I were a medic / doctor in such a world I'd probably not go wandering around trying to find people who are hurt. Rather I'd set up a permanent med centre (in DayZ maybe in Castle Zub, Guglova or Vyshnoye - central points on the map) and have scouts look and and pick up wounded survivors / further medical equipment, bring them in, give them treatment and then a kick to the butt so they move on.
  17. Lukio (DayZ)

    DayZ SVN

  18. Lukio (DayZ)


    How would I hold my gun with two hand and a flashlight in the other? Give players three hands? This whole idea doesn't make sense for ARMA II where you always hold side arms with two hands (except when you are running).
  19. Once again an idea that comes straight from Jagged Alliance. If you've used a gun very often, you could give it a name. Things like this are called "fluff" for a reason, maybe once the mod is in beta something like this would be viable. Personally I don't get too attached to items my character has so I guess its more of a thing for hoarders / loot lovers.
  20. Lukio (DayZ)

    How to run automatically

    Am I the only guy using ESDF? :-/