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About Colnie

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Colnie

    Got day Z today...HELP!!!!

    Thanks everyone, commander seemed to fix everything.. Been playing the last few hours, not much idea what I'm doing but still a lot of fun.....:-)
  2. Colnie

    Got day Z today...HELP!!!!

    Any who's I gotta get some sleep, early start at work tomorrow, I'll post again when I fix my issues lol....thank you all for your help.... Goodnight everyone
  3. Colnie

    Got day Z today...HELP!!!!

    I'm talking Australian dollars mate....
  4. Colnie

    Got day Z today...HELP!!!!

    Wow...this one is a i7... 1.5gig nvidia graphics......8gig ram.....500gjg hdd.... That's all I remember off the top of my head
  5. Colnie

    Got day Z today...HELP!!!!

    Nah not the bottom end one....paid $2500au for it Thanks mzly..I'll check that out to
  6. Colnie

    Got day Z today...HELP!!!!

    Ok cool thank you, it's night here (Australia) so ill get onto it in the morning....thanks again
  7. Colnie

    Got day Z today...HELP!!!!

    I'll give you the details I can at the moment....I'm not on my computer I got it off steam I opened arma and OA before I ran it I don't have commander Ill have to get back to you on my computer specs...but it's a Alienware X51
  8. So I got day z and had a lot of problems, where do I begin??? First off, finding a server....what the hell???? I either get a connection failed or I just flat out can't get onto a server Now and then I'll find one that works..now this is really fun....I'm a bird...or..I get a black screen with the words please wait while getting player data...or something to the effect...or my computer just crashes and I have to reboot....I run a Alienware computer so I'm not understanding what's going on..I far exceed what's required to run the game. I have played twice, and really enjoyed it, but the frustration of it hardly working is making me want to throw my computer out the window.... Can anyone help me please....I'm tearing my hair out here!!!!!