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Everything posted by jaginun

  1. jaginun

    A Karma system to prevent extreme PvP

    There does need to be promoting of co-op , but how to promote it is the vital part.
  2. This sounds good , will get rid of accidental shooting that comes with servers with nametags off , but it also doesn't allow the exploit of seeing people miles away , even if they aren't friendly and don't want their name to be known.
  3. Agreed , especially with this being in alpha it is important to discuss features and bugs in game , and while the lonelyness that no global chat brings is a good addition to the game , the main gameplay needs to come first.
  4. jaginun

    Medical Effects

    Addictions sounds good. Can't see anything I don't agree with , apart from that you shouldn't make it common , taking 5 morphines in a day wouldn't get you addicted , but 15 or 20 might. Diabetes would be OK , but they would have to add bottled water as a non renewable and common source of clean water without using a canteen , which can be a pain to refil. As well as this , I would add a permanant fix for both of these conditions , as having an annoying condition that you can't get rid off is respawn fueling stuff. Even if the fixes are as rare as antibiotics.
  5. 1. No , although I would comprimise at having some weapons spawn at different repair levels than others , just not degrading , I can't tell you how frustrating Dead Island and Far Cry 2 were because of that mechanic. 2. Sure , making the game harder is always welcome in my books. 3. Eh , sort of. Maybe a 10% chance for an item to be broken , but that amount doesn't change depending on the rarity. 4. No. Unrealistic. 5. No. Unrealistic. There is already a system for this , it's called following the compass north. 6. Meh , no. GPS and NVGs are good endgame equipment , taking them out would mean less playability. 7. No , unrealistic. I would expect the opposite. 8. Yeah , sounds good. 9. No , unrealistic. 10. Eh , I'm pretty sure maps are already in game? If you mean new game maps , I'm up for that , just not Takistan , snipers haven. 11. Sure , sounds OK. 12. Yep , although most of the time this is the case from my experience.
  6. jaginun

    A Karma system to prevent extreme PvP

    If you don't like PvP , fine , but don't try and correct it with unrealistic rules and magical laws. The game is made so you aren't restricted to how you play , if people want to do PvP then that's their choice. To fix PvP , add a feature that is realistic.
  7. Hey , in this thread just share your current characters gear and stats ect. Here is my one. It's the furthest that I'v ever gotten into the game , and I've been alive about 6 days , but I suspect I will die soon , as me and my friend I'm playing with are getting sloppy. M4A3 with 4 mags Glock 17 with 6 mags INVENTORY Water Bottle Painkillers Epi-Pen Morphine Blood bag Pepsi (M4A3 + 4 MAGS) Sidearm Inventory 2 Bandages (G17 + 6 MAGS) Utility Belt Flashlight Hunting Knife Watch Toolbox Hatchet Matches Compass Map Military Flashlight ALICE PACK 3 Bandages 2 Bloodbags 4 cans of assorted beany goodness 1 Epi-Pen 2 FN FAL mags (Saving them , as when i find a crash site I normally don't find many) Ghillie suit (Waiting for fix until I wear them) 2 Morphine 3 Sodas 153 zombie kills 89 headshots 3 murders 12000 blood (tranfusion) So , what have you all got on your current char?
  8. jaginun

    Suppressed MK17 - hacked?

    Well , it could be that Rocket is a super-secret patcher and added it in unannounced , but for most intents and purposes if it isn't on this table http://dayzwiki.com/wiki/index.php?title=Weapons Then it's either hacked , or Rocket's a ninja patcher. I do accept the posability that it was secretly added in to test , but it's better being safe than sorry.
  9. jaginun

    Suppressed MK17 - hacked?

    Yeah , it's hacked , I would suggest not picking it up.
  10. Found 3 in 2 hours , so a little too common. I had at least 2 FALs with the special scopes spawning , which are the rarest item in the game , which seems off.
  11. Yeah , generally experienced and well geared players will hang near NW airfield , Stary Sobor , and NE airfield/Berenzino. The reason it's shoot first ask questions later is with all that gear , getting PK'd after trying to be friendly is a problem. Very rarely will you find a friendly up north.
  12. I'm going to be doing this , and responding to these calls. Although I think there should be either a more unique set of shots , or to include something else to signal people. At the moment , 3 shots in a row with spaces of 5 seconds could be just someone fending of zombies.
  13. jaginun

    Easter Egg in Cherno ?

    Definatly looks like an easter egg , I don't know what it is or is supposed to look like though. To me it looks like a robotic santa with a grey sub-zero/scorpion in his cranium. EDIT: nvm , I can see it's creepy santa now.
  14. jaginun

    Optional PvP settings for servers

    "Hey , I have a good idea , lets make PvP optional on this PvP based mod! It's not like it would completely ruin the feel of the game , and I seriously doubt people would even think to farm on these non-PvP servers." Let's leave this suggestion to one side , in the corner with the mutant alient zombies suggestion , and the kill streak suggestion , shall we?
  15. jaginun

    The "Best" of the Most Common Suggestions

    1) Yes 2) Sounds good 3) I support 4) Ehhh. It really depends on the extent. I don't want to see a massive Megaton-like pile of scrap while walking through the wilderness. I'm alright with small camps , fires , maybe even player built deerstands. 5) Yep 6) I'm alright with different skins , but different atributes will get a little confusing. 7) Already in 8) Yes-aroony 9) Sure , why not 10) Yep yeppity yep
  16. jaginun

    Straightforward Banditry Solution

    Why the fuck does banditry need a solution? That implies that banditry is a problem. Stop trying to impliment unrealistic solutions to a problem you can easily just grow up about. So yeah , pretty bad suggestion.
  17. jaginun

    Dynamic loot drop rates dependent on Humanity

    Jesus , stop posting these ideas. BANDITRY IS PART OF THE GAME, IT ALWAYS HAS AND IT ALWAYS WILL. Punishing bandits for no reason at all is just bad.
  18. jaginun


    Agree. It doesn't make it harder as such , but it makes just running through the town an obvious tactic , as they will get to you either way , and you can just lose them by running past a fence. I would much prefer the old way , as we would be able to sneak again.
  19. Like most people here , I think this patch , putting the bugs aside , is a step in the right direction (Well , one of your many steps that you have made in the right direction) In my opinion , there are 3 things that need to be tweaked. 1. Make zombies a touch less sensetive to players. What I mean is not back to how it was in 1.7.0 , but a good comprimise. At the moment , I have had zombies starting to chase me from a good 50 meters away while crouch running. I do understand that you want to make the game harder , but the current setup is a little unrealistic (I guess I can't really say that in a zombie survival game) 2. To compensate for the loss of difficulty in 1. , tone down how easily zombies can stop chasing you in buildings. It would be fine for you to lose them in a building site , or a large building , or maybe by running through a lot of alleys similtaniously , but I've managed to ditch zombies by running through the 1 room shacks. 3. Put down the spawn rates of military weapons. I love the reduction of the starting equipment , but it is still easy to find several Kilashnikov weapons in a single control tower or hanger. When I first played this patch , I was in awe at how having no starting equipment made me feel when I found a single can of beans. But then I found a lee enfield in a barn. Then an AKM. Then an M16. All within 40 minutes.
  20. jaginun

    Stupid noob question:

    Both , then run them both. Once you have installed the game , remember to run OA , and run it as Combined Operations
  21. jaginun

    Soo.. whats up with this..

    New update , 1.7.1 , most things are messed up , we're hoping for a hotfix tomorrow to fix this.