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Everything posted by Hama

  1. Hama

    Almost 700 hours in.. and...

    700 hours in 96 days is 7 hours and 17 minutes ingame each day :huh: Thats a lot!
  2. Hama

    Session Lost FIX

    Sure... Its seems like a patch problem: https://twitter.com/Hicks_206/statuses/446235437439668224
  3. Hama

    Wait for host

    Jupp, and count down timer <_< (Already some threads in the troubleshooting section)
  4. Hama


    Here we go again.....
  5. Hama

    How to delete character?

    Try to delete the file(s) under the Dayz map in "my documents" (take backup first) Think your profile is stored localy so this should help deleting the character I guess.
  6. Hama

    Nuclear area

    Not sure about the radiation, but I would love the map to lock more like this.
  7. Hama


    I guess duck tape would do the same trick.
  8. Hama


    Only possible with armor piercing rounds ( if Mythbusters are to be trusted) If lens glare are implemented it has to be done the right way and not the Battlefield way. This should also be implementet to counter the glare.
  9. Hama

    Some suggestions to improve gameplay

    A lot of them are way to arcade for Dayz which is a realistic or authentic apocolypse simulator. And a lot of the suggestions are suggested a million times over (learn to search)
  10. Hama

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

    Its normal that the sole of the feet and the palms of hand are of a lighter color then the rest of the body An odd place to put a trash can :huh:
  11. Exactly. This is the whole point of Dayz: Do what you like, when you like. There will be no missions with or without npc, as it counteracts with everything Dayz is as a open world sandbox survival simulator. And about the zeds: alpha(!!)
  12. Hama

    Zombies - getting infected

    The zombies in Dayz are not undead, but living infected people and all players are inmune to the virus. Dont think I exaggerate when I say that this has been suggested 100+ times the 18 months I have played Dayz
  13. Hama

    No Zombies

    How are the devs gonna fix the zeds if they dont know whats wrong with them? And how are they gonna test solutions and chances they come up with, without zeds been ingame? 1,5 mill testers is a bit more then the devteam.... This is the whole point of an alpha....(sorry)
  14. Hama

    Summary of dev Q&As from streams

    Really like that guns are gonna be rare.
  15. Hama

    You are dead?

    This pretty much sums up Dayz.
  16. Hama

    Dead players bodies turning into Zombies

    Here we go again... Learn to search! I bet theres a 1000 threads about this and the answer is always the same. The zeds are not dead, but living infected people.
  17. Hama

    76 - Possibilities list

    No electricity in Chernerus. Nonononono, Its a SANDBOX.
  18. Hama

    why does my character eat so much?

    Eat and drink everything you find, when you find it. Dont carry food in your inventory(exept when you get the "my stomage fills full" message). Check out Merino's videos, they are pinned in the New player-section.
  19. Hama

    Get hungry in a minute.

    http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/159251-merinos-in-depth-video-guides-updated-jan-22nd-all-medical-items-to-keep-or-not-to-keep/ There you go. Its even pinned...
  20. Hama

    No message received?

    Did it happen once or every time you play? If it was a one time thing I'm guessing it was a server restart.
  21. Hama

    Spawn MORE food

    Get off the coast. Theres always plenty of loot inland.
  22. Hama

    Extension Packs

    So you would like me to pay for expensions packs that "fixes" bugs? Are you working for EA?
  23. Hama


    -Total survival attempts Player kills should definitely not be in