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About Quash

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Would love to seed this on my seedbox, but unfortunately they block the tracker you use. Sorry.
  2. Quash

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    That is actually not a bad idea. Only problem is that a player can receive low humanity while defending himself. I remember seeing that a "self-defense kill" detection system was going to be implemented to prevent players who get attacked from losing humanity when killing in self-defense. That would solve that issue.
  3. Quash

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    I'd love to see it made so that Low Humanity players can't receive a blood transfusion. And they could only give them to players with a certain high level of humanity that the dev team deems appropriate. It would be a good tradeoff for being a prick all the time.
  4. YES. It's a neat idea and definitely worth trying. SUGGESTION: I always thought it would be a good deterrent to PKing if at low humanity you couldn't get blood transfusions, or give them to other players unless the recipient had high humanity. Might not be the most realistic solution but it would be a good deterrent, IMO.