If using email is too difficult for you people and you HONESTLY think you have received a GLOBAL BAN by mistake, you can try to contact BattlEye (notice, its not "Battle Eye"! It is "BattlEye" or "BE") developer directly through Bohemia Interactive Forums http://forums.bistudio.com His username is $able http://forums.bistudio.com/member.php?17183-able - just send him a pm. But only if you have received a GLOBAL BAN across all servers. But i highly doubt this has happened by mistake since it detects cheat scripts and programs trying to modify the game while it is running. Or modified game files. BE does not ban you for running NORMAL programs in the background(Skype, TeamSpeak, Winamp, Hello Kitty Online, Notepad, FRAPS, etc etc) BE does not detect asshattery(server admins and other players detect this). BE does not care if you picked up(but detects if YOU spawned it) gear that does not belong in DayZ mod(server admins and other players care, probably also the DayZ mission/central database/DayZ staff and if this continues to happen several times, you are asking for trouble). If its a normal ban on one server, you need to contact the server admins of the server you played on, not $able or DayZ modding team. And congratulations if your short attention span allowed you to read this all, high five. Somebody correct me if I am wrong in how BE works. Oh and nice one tomfin, i see what you did there. :D