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Everything posted by iceprincekyo

  1. So my buddy was an ne airfield. I let the whole server know that (the people in this server hate him for whatever reason) so a bunch of guys go after him. I set up a sachel in the hanger my friend was hiding in. When they came I blew the sachel killing my friend and some of the baddies. I effectively sniped the last two. After this was all over I went on side chat to tell everyone I was sorry. I live in Canada stereotype achieved!!
  2. iceprincekyo


    when using steam you have to go to the steam folder in my computer to uninstall it just clicking remove content then reinstall will screw it up more.
  3. iceprincekyo


    This happened to me alot. how to fix this is.. 1. uninstall dayz from computer (all the files) 2. uninstall arma2 and arrowhead (all the files) 3. reinstall arma2 and arrowhead from the cloud 4. go to the official dayz website and reinstall dayz. hope this works.
  4. iceprincekyo

    how to make friends

    1. Find a guy. 2. State that your friendly. 3. Stalk him until he accepts you. 4. Talk and joke with him. 5. Travel to stary with him. 6. Betray him in a terrible fashion. 7. Laugh demonically!!! !! Warning!! May result in becoming an asshole. -[tpt]iceprincekyo
  5. iceprincekyo

    I'm a fucking Canadian

    Its warm here for some reason
  6. iceprincekyo

    how to make friends

    Just realized that I have a sick sense of humor
  7. iceprincekyo

    how to make friends

    I like pudding
  8. iceprincekyo

    how to make friends

    I used to be a hero like you then I took a crossbow bolt in the face..
  9. iceprincekyo

    Looking for someone to play with

    I'm 17 and I'm Canadian so fuck you I'm a bandit. ( sorry )
  10. I started singing this in the side chat tune bohemian rhapsody Andrew just killed a noob Put a macrov to his head pulled the trigger now he's dead. Andrew his spawn had just begun now terrible load times await. If I'm not on this server tomorrow carry on carry on like it doesn't really matter... I went on like that until they kicked me.
  11. iceprincekyo

    Sovereignty of Britannia [SB] (DayZRP Clan)

    All hail bretania...bich
  12. To join just go to steam groups and type in team play team to contact us. We will let you in on the banditry fun.
  13. iceprincekyo

    Join in sociopathic fun in team play team

    Or you could just contact us on the form.... Hadn't thought of that...
  14. I just like pudding
  15. iceprincekyo

    how to make friends

    What's the fun in dayz without bandits and gunfire. Being sociopathic brings fun into the game. If everyone was goody goody with each other it wouldn't be much of a survival game anymore.