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Everything posted by infinitegrim

  1. Me and my group of friends played dayz daily for 3-4 months over the summer. The hacking got bad so we stopped playing. We decided to play the other day and 30 minutes in this is what we find.... If imbed fails, click the link. I guess we will go back to eagerly waiting for the standalone. :(
  2. I was thinking about who was the hacker in that situation.... Then I realized that the guy with the belt fed completely disappeared after I shot him and ran. My character was walking in the open on the bridge he was just on and he didn't shoot. Something tells me it was him that was hacking.
  3. Didn't even know there were private servers. A few months ago, rules were so strict our server was basically shutdown for being overzealous with banning cheaters.
  4. I actually forgot the M16 had burst, I'm used to my real one doing semi, but you wouldnt know a thing about that. And I did put 4+ rounds into his friend on the bridge. It was them that need to learn to aim. I hit both of them several times. Infact, that guy on the bridge should have died. Hopefully my mod mic finally comes. In half of my videos noone can hear me, which is why I moved it so close. And in America, we have basements! :D
  5. This same group of people killed us at the airport earlier.
  6. infinitegrim

    Remove Hiding Bodies...

    Hiding Player bodies that are ful of loot should not be possible. We have a bunch of people trolling our server, some which may be hacking, but thats not the point of this thread. The thing is, is that everytime they kill one of our guys they just hide the body and dont take the loot. Last night we had two guys killed by a fully kitted person, so what did they do? They just hid the body and left. Basically destroying 2 NVG's and other very good weapons. They did this because they knew there was more of us on the way, when we showed up less then 5 minutes later, the bodies are gone and just the sound of flies remained. The ability to just "delete" someone's body and its contents is bullshit and needs to be removed.
  7. So there is a certain server that has shut their server down when their clan is attacked or just bans the players that kill them. They have done this to dozens of groups and there are several youtube videos showing them do it on many occasions. A admin abuse report is never "ok'd" by the mods so they get away with the cheating ways, yet the admin of our server is attempting to make our server playable again by banning tons of script kiddies and other cheaters because our server has been swarmed by them. We havent played on the server we are paying for because of it and its just unplayable with all the hacks. So we are being threatened to stop banning cheaters or we will be blacklisted, while this certain server is clearly abusing their powers. So whats up with the double standard? Do we actually like cheaters, and hate people who ban script kiddies?
  8. infinitegrim

    Low Res Textures....

    Anyone else feel like certain skins, vehicles, and weapons have been selected from other expansion packs so that people buy them? The most annoying example is the L85 with thermal. The scope is MUCH nicer if you have the correct expansion. I usually dont ask for anything for free, but Bohemia Interactive should either give us all PMC and BAF for free as a thanks for the HUGE influx of sales, or atleast gives us all the high res textures for everything included in this mod. Because of the players playing dayz and word of mouth Arma 2's sales have skyrocketted making Bohemia tons of extra $$$.
  9. You banned me and my friend because we kept killing you. We first attack your base, you shut the server down. We come back a few hours later and snipe 10 of you, so what do you do? You banned us. You guys are clearly abusing your admin rights, and now banning everyone who kills you. I'm banned (that is my friend talking)Friend banned....
  10. infinitegrim

    Why are some servers allowed to cheat?

    I have, over 1 week ago and the thread has not been approved. The area for reporting servers doesnt show your thread until its approved. I had 3 separate videos showing them banning 2 of us for no reason, then also them restarting their server when they were attacked, Plus there was a giant thread in general discussion with dozens of people saying they did the same BS to them and noone did a thing about it.
  11. infinitegrim

    US 1040's Colony explodes.

    Why is their server immune to the rules? I tried creating a server reporting thread on them showing their admin abuse, including videos of them doing the same things to other people yet the thread didn't get listed?
  12. infinitegrim

    US 561 Admin Abuse

    Are you speaking as your opinion of the rules, or an actual enforcer of the rules? People see "forum team" next to your name and assume its right. So please elaborate. And honestly, if you can get banned for calling someone "gay" or any other word that means the same thing, but not for impersonating the dead friend of the server owners. Then your rules need to be changed.
  13. infinitegrim

    US 561 Admin Abuse

    He clearly is, even took the guy's avatar.. See link http://www.ar15.com/forums/t_1_151/1208458_MrClean4Hire.html
  14. The stupidity in your posts are starting to make my head hurt. You keep making shit up in your head! The tents we are talking about right now have been in place for atleast 3 weeks, yet you claim we specifically put them in a certain location just to attack US 1040?
  15. What? Have you even played this game before? Moving tents is NOT simple. In fact its really fucking annoying to move a tent. We've got tents setup everywhere on our server. Plus it doesnt take long to get around when you have a vehicle. Again if you spent as much time playing this game as you do sticking your nose into other people's business concocting all kinds of retarded theories in your head, you might actually get some stuff in the game and know what you are talking about.
  16. "Brought tents to the server?" WTF is going on in that little brain of yours? We're talking about the tents on our server. "you make it pretty clear you have enough hacked in weapons to take all over. It's evident in that video and the others." Again WTF? The only hacked guns we as a group have are AS50 TWS. The only video I have up there when we were in possession of hacked guns is the one you saw, becaue that just happened two days ago. We've only had them for 3-4 days) All other weapons are legit. Infact our of all of my videos only 2-3 were taking in the last 2 weeks when people have been hacking on our server. NONE of those videos actually take place on our server because we're afraid of it and dont feel like getting teleported into "mortal kombat" or whatever its called. Yeah we have a lot of good gear, but thats because we've got 30+ people keeping everything good they come upon. Plus we like raiding other clans. In the one video I get 3 NVGs when I randomly run into a chopper crash. On another video I get 5+ NVGs and 6 Ghille suits from a clan's tent base. My guys took a bunch of good guns from them such as AS50's, M107's and MK48's. So accuse us our cheating/hacking/ whatever but its not true. But in your own little head you believe its true because you have no clan to play with, so you cannot stock pile stuff, nor do you have friends to get you gear, nor can you raid other people's bases to get their stuff. But OMFG we got 2 AS 50 TWS's, so we must have hundreds of hacked weapons.You sir are an idiot. Maybe if you spent as much time playing the game as you did on this forum you yourself can get a bunch of good stuff too!
  17. infinitegrim

    US 561 Admin Abuse

    You are using the name of an AR15.com member that killed himself to troll us. It has been stated numerous times that we can ban over offensive names. http://www.ar15.com/forums/t_1_5/1208401_MrClean4Hire_took_his_own_life_.html http://www.moorecortner.com/fh/print.cfm?type=obituary&o_id=1210621&fh_id=10636 Go fuck yourself, you are the scum of the earth. Oddly enough your "roommate" (aka your other personality) has already been banned once from this forum.
  18. You know I dont even know why I'm responding to you. You dont know the facts but you spew your retarded thoughts anyway. We have a set of 3 tents in a certain area. These tents are the ones that we dropped out non essential gear off before attacking so we didn't lose everything. Thats why tents is plural. The word some means "little" or " a few". Two fits into that category. Maybe next time a hacker comes into our server and spawns a weapon crate, we will empty them out into a ural and tell people where they are, just to piss you off. Because apparently we are not allowed to clean up our server. Also these hackers only started attacking our server within the last 2 weeks, which is why I mentioned rocket's post. He said it was ok to pick them up back in July. So yes, we have only been in possession of hacked guns until after rocket said it was ok to keep them. Do you think I would have picked up something that could get me banned? No I'm a cheapskate and would rather not waste $30 over a stupid gun.
  19. To be honest I dont give a shit...why? Number one you are trying to get our server blacklisted right now because we are trying to ban people hacking on our server. There has been so many helo's and weapon crates its ridiculous. Plus everyone teleporting to the same area is a nice touch. So first you cry that we accidentally banned a few innocents in an effort to clean up our server (which we have a message on our server on how to contact us to get unbanned if its accidental), now you cry that we are in possession of a few hacked guns. Well you know what. Pick a side and stay on it. If we were allowed to clean up our server there would be no hacked guns on our server and we wouldn't be finding them to pick up. But no were not allowed to do that. Second the only people we have used them against are the 1040 Colony, and they deserved it.
  20. infinitegrim

    US 561 Admin Abuse

    This needs to be repeated...
  21. infinitegrim

    US 561 Admin Abuse

    I encourage you to try to play on our server from time to time. You will notice tons of crashed helos, ammo boxes, weapon boxes, and hackers teleporting everyone into one area. Plus from time to time entire areas seem to explode as if 100's of satchel charges are going off. We (the people paying for the server) haven't been playing on it for nearly 2+ weeks right now. Thats why our admin is trying to clean up the server. We cannot use what we are paying for because of all the hackers! Our Admin is trying to ban the people doing it, and anyone accidentally banned can easily get unbanned, just ask. The rules, as quoted, explain that if it is effecting the normal operation of the server then the admin can ban. I would consider teleporting everyone into one location so they all die, and spawning choppers and killing everyone to be effecting the normal operation of the server. If you cancel our server then the hackers have WON. Then again you probably will cancel our server anyway because our "grandfathered" $20 a month plan isn't getting you enough money to care.
  22. infinitegrim

    US 561 Admin Abuse

    So because a NON MOD (ME) posted that it instantly becomes gospel and means thats what the admins are doing? I guess you guys really want hacking to stick around because it seems like you are attacking an admin whos spending hours going through logs trying to ban people who are really suspicious within the time frames that we know a hacker was on. The last group of people he banned included 5-10 people we have seen CONSTANTLY flying around in hacked in helicopters. We watched these guys spawn their helicopter back in, plus we keep finding helo crashes everywhere with the same group of people's bodies.
  23. We have 2 AS50 thermal sights...How? Our server has been completely taken over by hackers and yes we picked 2 of them up and put them in our tents. Rocket said it was allowed so we did it. I find it hilarious that people complain about us having these guns, but then create an admin abuse thread (US 561) when our admin starts banning suspicious people when there is clearly a hacker teleporting everyone around the map and spawning weapon crates and vehicles because our server has been unplayable for the past 2 weeks do to the amount of hackers and them killing everyone. So yeah we took their AS50's as consolation prizes for putting up with all the bullshit. Again we did nothing against the rules because we didn't touched hacked weapons until rocket said it was ok.
  24. Yeah I disconnected because its clear what you guys were doing. You took the server down until you could get guys positioned behind us on the hill. We thoroughly cleared all the hills before we surrounded your little compound, and had a guy with s L85 AWS checking around the entire time. Then guys just appear behind us? Yeah you guys knew exactly what you were doing with that server shutdown. And technically I didn't combat log, noone was shooting at me. But maybe we should address the two guys I sniped later that night that logged the second they got hit, and I never got the kill. And yes I will log when you pull bullshit so you can kill me, in this case I will call it cheating.
  25. infinitegrim

    US 561 Admin Abuse

    You work out all day and you ate a mcmuffin! You gunna get fat!