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Everything posted by infinitegrim

  1. infinitegrim

    Removing High Powered Weapons and Silenced Weapons

    Oh no another person who has been fed lies and believes them. Why does crime go up with stricter gun control? Look at Switzerland. They have one of the lowest crime rates, yet the highest firearm ownership. Infact they have way more machines guns and suppressors then the US. Criminals are afraid to break into a house when they know there is someone with a rifle in there, trained to use it.
  2. infinitegrim

    Removing High Powered Weapons and Silenced Weapons

    The game should have a filter. If an American comes into a loot area there higher changes of AR's, AK's, scoped rifles, tactical shotguns, and 1911's spawning. If an Australian goes into the loot area shotguns have a chance of spawning and some handguns. If British person goes into a loot spawn some airsoft guns, safe butter knives, and marbles will spawn. Right now I carry the weapons I have at my house that I would use if zombies came. An M4 with an aimpoint and a 1911. Only thing is mine doesnt have full auto, just semi.
  3. You bring up a good point. The game should have a filter. If an American comes into a loot area there higher changes of AR's, AK's, scoped rifles, tactical shotguns, and 1911's spawning. If an Australian goes into the loot area shotguns have a chance of spawning and some handguns. If British person goes into a loot spawn some airsoft guns, safe butter knives, and marbles will spawn.
  4. infinitegrim

    Lets do this, Trading Station Delta - Edited

    Set it up on one of the islands and use a boat to ferry people who have paid to the island. You can make full jerry cans full entrance + 1 transaction. Not many people have boats to try to screw with you, and if someone swims to the island they loose all their stuff. You can eventually get a chopper for extra security too.
  5. infinitegrim

    0.19% or Why I stoped playing

    I let my teammates go in first. Whenever I go first, nothing good spawns.
  6. infinitegrim

    Human Element - DayZ Ripoff?

    Sounds more like a rip off of "The Walking Dead" TV show as the title actually is referring to the survivors.
  7. infinitegrim

    Disconnecting to avoid death

    Honestly they need to make it so you can bandage when prone before DC'ing. I was in the ATC, kill one guy, but got shot. went to bandage but I nearly got my head shot off several times. And yeah then I DC'd.
  8. infinitegrim

    I found a tractor and lived to film it

    I've shot at 2 tractors now. Killing one! Wasnt you though.
  9. infinitegrim

    lockable packs

    They should keep them unlocked but make a distinct zipping noise
  10. So thats why I couldnt login or reset my password