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Everything posted by infinitegrim

  1. infinitegrim

    No Spawning in "Hot Spots"

    I feel that this game should introduce a system that doesnt allow players to sign out, or log in at areas that would spawn zombies. Which mean that you cannot log in by buildings. This systems in itself would fix a few problems such as server hoppers & DC'ing during firefights(most take place in towns). Last night me and my friends cleared the airfield and had a guy spawn in the trees next to a building and he one shotted a couple of us, which was complete BS that he could spawn right there. (After reviewing the video the zombies disappeared meaning he did spawn there)
  2. infinitegrim

    jerry can BOOM

    OP go watch mythbusters :P When will people stop watching movies and TV shows and taking everything they see as fact?
  3. infinitegrim

    New Weapon: Mosin Nagant

    Well I hope he sees this thread and posts them up!
  4. infinitegrim

    Weapon Degradation

    No, you are going to make the game more unrealistic in trying to make it realistic in regards to your limited knowledge. Most AR's & AK's can easily last 5,000 rounds without the most minor things getting weak. You might need to replace the extrator at 10,000 rounds, but the barrels can easily last 30,000 rounds and stay accurrate. Now precision sniper rifles have barrels that will only keep their accuracy for a more limit number of rounds depending on caliber. But even .308 sniper rifles can have barrel lives of around 10,000 rounds.
  5. infinitegrim

    Zombies do not Respawn....

    There is one thing that kind of annoys me with this game. If you and your group has the firepower to kill all the zombies you see, there still is no incentive to because they just respawn within a minute or two. I think that the game spawns more zombies then it does, and bases the spawns on the amount of players. But if the players want to they can kill all the zombies and the area will be "safe" for 10 or so minutes until more zombies start to wonder into the area. These additional zombies would spawn outside of the area and come to "investigate" all the previous noise. If more players come into the area, the game adjusts the number of spawned zombies by spawning zombies outside of the area and wondering in, but these zombies are not bound by the 10 or so minute timer. This idea would also somewhat cater to the idea of making towns "safe zones" but players would just need to defend the town from the wondering hoards of zombies.
  6. infinitegrim

    Bandit catering?

    IMHO someone DC'ing when a guy is camping out a spot just to kill someone without any risk to themselves because they are going to easily kill the guy who doesnt know they are there, deserve loosing thier kills when players disconnnect. Deal with it, your being a douche in what your doing, so the other player is pulling a dbag move to negate yours ;)
  7. infinitegrim

    No Spawning in "Hot Spots"

    I thought about that, maybe it randomly places you on the map. So if someone ALT-F4's when they get shot, they wont know where they are to have their buddies help them.
  8. OP thats what you get for ruining the PARTY BUS!
  9. infinitegrim

    Vehicles, Loot, Ground

    But who really wants the bicycle, and 2 ATV's. Their useless.
  10. infinitegrim

    Vehicles, Loot, Ground

    Forgot to ask if its possibly a hack?
  11. infinitegrim

    Vehicles, Loot, Ground

    We ask because we think we are still being trolled. Only a troll would dump loot on the ground and take the vehicles. Who would dump an M107 or M4 SD on the ground when they can keep it in the vehicle they are stealing?
  12. I know how to spawn zombies in the editor, is there a way to make them act like zombies? I want to fight a horde of a few hundred!
  13. infinitegrim

    Arma Editor: Possible to fight zombies?

    bump to save the thread
  14. They spawn in certain areas of the map. We've already found 2 in 15 minutes. The other day we almost crashed into one as we came over a hill in our vehicle. I've seen atleast 10+
  15. do we report them for a server wide ban? I've been told this means they are killing in debug forest.
  16. infinitegrim

    Xbox 360 Xmapper Presets Created for Day-Z

    Xbox controller is perfect for helicopters....
  17. Server updated to 1 hour prior.... Me and 3 people were driving around I had played a MK48 inside of the truck, server crashed. All of them spawned next to the vehicle, I spawned by the road 1.2km away. I still had the MK48 in my bag, yet they said its in the truck. I then see a helo crash, pick up a ghille suit. Server crashes again, I try to join and I now get the error message in the title of the thread. I have it all on video if you need it. I cannot sign into any servers now. Found it... Profile Name: [AR15] InfiniteGrim ID Number: 16251206
  18. And yes from the posts that I can find on that account they are all only 1-2 days old. Says the account was made this month.