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Everything posted by infinitegrim

  1. infinitegrim

    Of course, my luck....M136 Rocket Launcher...

    Our server is NEVER locked, never has been locked, never will be. It was pitch black so there was only 10-15 people on, but a server hopper could have spawned in at any time and shot us, because its happened before.
  2. infinitegrim

    Of course, my luck....M136 Rocket Launcher...

    There was a sniping on the roof of the firehouse in the NWAF earlier yesterday, would have been perfect :)
  3. infinitegrim

    Of course, my luck....M136 Rocket Launcher...

    Did you not read the part where I said we emptied the barracks? God there was a post about people bitching when other people leave shitty loot in places so when someone else comes they find the same shit. Now you guys are complaining that we emptied it. Sounds like someone is jealous. And that was the first pair of NVG's I have personally found in the barracks.
  4. infinitegrim

    Of course, my luck....M136 Rocket Launcher...

    So why dont you come to the NWAF and try to kill us? We were in the general area for about 1 hour.
  5. infinitegrim

    Of course, my luck....M136 Rocket Launcher...

    Exploiting loot? We went to the NWAF and hit the south barracks first At this point we just ran from the South coast and I had a double barrel shotgun, and my friend had a Lee enfield. He gets an AKM off a dead body, and then a zombie hits me through the wall and instantly knocks me out and my friend saves me at around 4000 blood, we go to the north barracks and find NVG's. (friend already had some). We empty the barracks, then leave to look for an animal, took 20 minutes to find an animal finally east of vybor. Come back to teh South barracks, I find a M16A2 at the ATC, then we go to the North barracks and find the M136. So please tell me how we are exploiting anything? Are you only allowed at the barracks once per day or something?
  6. infinitegrim

    Weapon Damage Nerfs

    1911's are now wortheless <_<
  7. Should not be in this game? The game at my M4 Eotech 203, so I got my revenge through killing noobs in Elektro. After using the M107 its clear to me thats its too powerful of a gun to be in this game. I just hate how someone can sit around and get 1 lucky hit on you, and it instantly resets everything you worked for, and low you have to start again.
  8. infinitegrim

    Anyone else feel that .50 cals....

    i5 2500k 4.2Ghz ATI 6970 2GB 16GB DDR3 1600Mhz Samsung 120gb 830 SSD
  9. infinitegrim

    Anyone else feel that .50 cals....

    I guess my problem is that, we find M107's and AS50's more often then most M4/M16 variants, DMR/M14's, and other guns.
  10. infinitegrim

    Anyone else feel that .50 cals....

    I was on day 10 or 11 and got bored. I actually went into town and let someone kill me then. The game deleted my M4 w/ Eotech so I didn't want to run around with just a M107, so I desided restarting from scratch might cure my bordom. So to all those bitching about me killing noobs, I gave one of those noobs a M107, cayote, 2 NVG's, GPS etc....
  11. infinitegrim

    Anyone else feel that .50 cals....

    While using it I realized how much bullshit the gun is. They need to make .50 cal spawns 1/100th of what it is. Seems like our group is finding 2+ each day.
  12. infinitegrim

    My first encounter with hackers.

    What server...Love to catch that on video.
  13. Just got killed on US 520, my guys took out another 3-4 players. Someone looted my body and the server reset 3 minutes later, how convenient. I guess running for 10 minutes was a waste.
  14. Thanks for not changing the name of your server. It said, I wanted to try out my new L85 just once before upgrading, but you assholes were too fucking lazy to change the name of your server to say its a 1.7.2 server so I just lost my new gun. Fuck You, have a nice day!
  15. infinitegrim

    Thank You Owners of LU115 and other LU servers.

    Just a little, now I have to 203 someone out of rage!
  16. infinitegrim

    Legit or not legit?

    It legit and a great gun, kils in 1-2 hits.... This shows how well it works....
  17. I always sneak around zombies, but if you dont have a SD gun, and you have to shoot zombies are going to swarm you.
  18. My problem is that zombies run faster then you, and now they run in doors. If you want to switch weapons you need to stop moving, if you want to shoot, you need to stop moving. So the second you stop to shoot, or switch weapons your going to get hit. Or if there is several coming at you, unless you have auto aim you are going to get hit a couple of times, and when zombies can break your leg randomly thats bullshit.
  19. My character position was reset to 4km out of the map with no water or drinks because my backpack disappeared. Now that I have gotten back on the map I reverted to, and today I foudn a L85AWS, but I dont want to lose that now. The only problem is, is that 90% of the servers have been updated to 1.7.2.
  20. infinitegrim

    Has disappearing weapons been fixed? (L85)

    Seems like you need to do the searching. It was not intentionally removed. I was told a hotfix was released but I couldnt find what it fixed.
  21. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=22_j1VlThsY&hd=1 Some people may not like the methods used to survive, but this will get you back on the map.
  22. infinitegrim

    Guide: How to Survive 1.7.2 Position Reset....

    Where you able to actually move? I was in the planes and couldnt move, that was fixed by logging out then back in.
  23. infinitegrim

    Guide: How to Survive 1.7.2 Position Reset....

    Doesnt work when you backpack with all your food and water in it dissappeared :(
  24. Its the gun I have in this video, sorry I'm not the right PC to get a screenshot... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=22_j1VlThsY&hd=1
  25. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=22_j1VlThsY&hd=1 This method employs taking advantage of servers with nob settings, but it will get you home!