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Everything posted by infinitegrim

  1. infinitegrim

    Declaring War on another Clan?

    Whatever, one of my videos even shows me going to the NWAF and finding the ACOG, and NVGs in the same trip. Someone has better stuff then me....they're a hacker! Someone has a chopper....they're a hacker! Someone killed me....they're a hacker!
  2. I'm not the one having a hissy fit B) This game is getting boring, which is why the events in the video occurred. Made the game very fun again!
  3. infinitegrim

    Declaring War on another Clan?

    Its called having a vehicle with ammo in it. Did you not read the whole "This was edited from 4+ HOURS OF GAMEPLAY. There was 20+ minutes between the first and second time we tried killing the chopper because we all had to rearm at our vehicle. There was then another 30 minutes between the second and third time because we were all waiting for the guys with the satchel charges to get there. Just because you dont have a team to play with who loads their vehicles up with the all the ammo they find, doesnt make everyone else a hacker.
  4. infinitegrim

    Declaring War on another Clan?

    Ah yes I'm hacking! Just because you dont have people to play with doesn't mean other people dont have friends who guard their body as they run up to it and get their stuff back!
  5. WTF did I just read? Anyway thanks for the laugh! I guess you guys dont like fun.
  6. So I see you guys were threatened not to go after us!
  7. infinitegrim

    Declaring War on another Clan?

    No, we got them to pick our guy up! The real story is, we used to play on their server months ago. We had a chopper, and every time they saw us flying the thing they would restart the server with no warning. That eventually led to us loosing teh chopper mid flight and us leaving their server. This was purely payback. Thats also where all the "reset the server" comments come from. They were notorious for resetting their server when something went bad, or in our case we were flying a chopper.
  8. infinitegrim

    Declaring War on another Clan?

    Haha! Don't worry they did though! In fact one of their admins threatened to ban his own members if they tried to respond to our attack! B) I guess we will have to find another clan that wants to play! ;)
  9. infinitegrim

    Declaring War on another Clan?

    I know people will love this video, just dont know how to get it any attention! Thanks for watching!
  10. Also MISC, for the record you guys keep saying you killed 4 of us with an L85 when you only had 400 blood left. We started playing on your server around 11pm-12am. You guys posted about that happenning around 2PM, nearly 10 hours before we even stepped foot on your server. You guys didn't kill any of us.
  11. I dont think alt-f4'ing should result in a ban, just a penatly. Atleast not beable to sign in for 30+ minutes. As for the overlay, anyone using it should be banned in every way possible so they cannot ever get back onto dayz.
  12. We tried TWO satchel charges!
  13. Well its not our fault your glitchy chopper wouldnt blow up.
  14. I'm not posting this video to start any shit, just to entertain. We're not going to start reporting servers because of odd things happening in an alpha test.
  15. Do they work now? We found one last week but it was bugged.
  16. So we trusted the wrong guy to fly and he ended up crashing....look at what it looks like. Its rediculous! (sorry I dont know how to embed, every site seems different)
  17. The biggest thing that sucked about this, was that it was a GIANT becon for people. So when our guys were getting their stuff someone showed up, shot one of us in the head, and quick logged...never to be seen again.
  18. infinitegrim

    Shooting Range

    You need something like
  19. Hmm interesting. So it most likely has to do with one of the newer beta patches.
  20. A10? I'm assuming that was a hacker? I've crashed many jets in Arma 2 and never had a giant fire like this
  21. infinitegrim

    Bag reset bug (replacing current items with older items)

    My bag was glitched like this all day, ever since I put on camo clothing. I'm running the latest beta and game version. I even took my backpack off, and logged out and I had it on again. I emptied the pack, logged and came back in and everything came back. I put a MK48 in and waited 25 minutes and it still reverted.
  22. infinitegrim

    Of course, my luck....M136 Rocket Launcher...

    I guess we will never know, or the jealous people on the forums just want to side track the thread so you never find out!
  23. infinitegrim

    Of course, my luck....M136 Rocket Launcher...

    We've gone to full 70 man servers looking to kill people at teh NWAF, and from our observations. The less amount of players on server, the higher your chances of finding a person at the NWAF. We could never find anyone at the NWAF on packed servers. But since you will most likely try to refute my statement....Do you expect us to ditch our own server that we pay for because its not full? We can put up with the dark, its not our fault others cannot.
  24. infinitegrim

    Of course, my luck....M136 Rocket Launcher...

    Our guy has tested this out. It seems like they have been disabled or something, if you run arma with dayz they dont work, turn dayz off and they do work.