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Everything posted by infinitegrim

  1. We went back to kill them like 3-4 hours later.
  2. I've got 600GB+ of fraps video I've got to go through and render, but here is the first attack with them shutting the server down until they can get guys up on the hill behind us.... We start shooting at 3:10, they shut the server down a little after 5:20. The following link a is a thread they started in GD. The first post describes a group attacking and them shutting their server down too. Thats where I got the idea to attack them. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/65540-official-us-1040-colony-thread/ [/media]
  3. infinitegrim

    US 561 Admin Abuse

    FYI US 561 has been unplayable for the past 1-2 weeks because of all the hacking, so now you guys are all mad that the admin is trying to take back control of a server he is paying for. :huh:
  4. infinitegrim

    US 561 Admin Abuse

    HAHA! An admin tries to ban hackers and gets a few innocents along the way. And you want the server blacklisted. If rocket starts blacklisting servers for this, I hope everyone stops paying for servers so crybabies like yourself cannot find a server to play on.
  5. infinitegrim

    Official US 1040 Colony Thread

    I'm not the only guy they have now shut the server down on when I shot at them. These guys are a bunch of cheaters. They wont even acknowledge we were banned because they claim they didn't have any admins on!
  6. infinitegrim

    Official US 1040 Colony Thread

    Oh so you shut down the server until your guys were ready to hop in? You guys are a bunch of cheaters plain and simple. We had guys surrounding the entire place too. And your well rounded group got DESTROYED by 2 guys sniping last night. I guess thats why you banned us. Plus you lied and said you had no admins on in your server abuse thread, but someone obviously banned us from your server.
  7. infinitegrim

    Official US 1040 Colony Thread

    So shutting down your server when shot at so you can server hop behind people, and then banning people who kill you are are within the rules.
  8. infinitegrim

    Official US 1040 Colony Thread

    We attacked you guys, two minutes later you shut down your server. While its down you guys went to another server and got up on teh hill we were shooting from. Then when well all got into your server as it loaded you shot us in the back. Then me and another guy came back at night and sniped 10 of you total, you then banned both of us. You guys are cheaters plain and simple.
  9. infinitegrim

    Official US 1040 Colony Thread

    You really want to be a part of a cheater group?
  10. infinitegrim

    Admin abuse on US 1040

    Funny your server is magically down so I cant take video of me trying to join but...
  11. infinitegrim

    Admin abuse on US 1040

    Two man sniper team kills 10 total, both get banned. LOL! Banning people for bullshit reasons! It was fun while it lasted, plus we got you guys restarting your server when we attacked, then server hopping behind us too! Nice clean legit server you guys are running.
  12. infinitegrim

    Official US 1040 Colony Thread

    Is the trading camp still up and running? I found a player helo crash and took 2 NVG's and 2 GPS's. Hopefully I can get a nice gun.
  13. infinitegrim

    Day Z Videos

    Declaring War on Clan... Stealing Their Chopper Destroying their tents & Vehicles
  14. Operation: "Where's my Bus Brah?" After we stole their chopper we decided to hit their tents and vehicles hide outs. If you click it and go to youtube the description has links to the time stamps of all the events.
  15. infinitegrim

    Why this mod is failing

    There are two reasons why me and my friends have stopped playing a lot... #1--Why spend so much time gather stuff if there is no way to actually save it. Our vehicle and tents keep dissappearing or just deleting stuff and its really got annoying. There is no reason to spend hours repairing vehicles and collecting parts if it wont be there tomorrow night. #2 Hackers/Cheaters/Script Kiddies--Our server has been under attack for the last 2-3 weeks, which is why we think all our stuff keeps disappearing. They are the real reason this mod will fail.
  16. infinitegrim

    Low Res Textures....

    The biggest problem that I see with this is that things look different on everyone's screens which could give people advantages over others.
  17. So to make things interesting we found a server with another large clan. Your mission was to steal/destroy their chopper at all costs. At first we thougt we were just going to try to shoot it down, until nugs decided to go "undercover" and get them to pick him up. Trust me, this video is worth watching every second of, I edited this from 3-4+hours of game play.
  18. infinitegrim

    Price of Youtube Fame

    Give me some beans... We get their Helo & Ural
  19. Of course when we finally find one, the damn things are bugged in DayZ for some reason. Anyone know why its broke and when it will be fixed?
  20. infinitegrim

    Declaring War on another Clan?

    Anyone ever do it? I think our clan basically did that last night by sending a guy into anther's team-speak and eventually stealing their chopper. So has anyone else declared war on another clan? We officially havent, just wondering how it ended for you guys. [/media]
  21. infinitegrim

    Declaring War on another Clan?

    Was this after they supposedly fixed saving stuff outside of the map?
  22. infinitegrim

    Declaring War on another Clan?

    I'm sorry I was using the video as an example. The thread is about declaring war on other clans, and if anyone else has every done so?
  23. infinitegrim

    Declaring War on another Clan?

    In my opinion that was the best use we could come up with for them. They've only been sitting in our Ural for a week or so.