I didn't say anything about a bug ? And i haven't said anything about cheating or wan't that kind of button - so please stop saying something like that -.-'. All you could say is "that isn't possible - sorry".
Hey there Im playing Dayz with 3 screens and when im playing at night and using the night vision, my 2 screen that are on each side of my center screen, are black doing the night vision. Is it possible to turn that black thing off ?. I've added a photo so you can see my problem - Morten
I've enabled the chat in Dart, but i didn't understand the part where they need to be in range in ordoer for the chat to be sent ... In range of what ?, im not ingame, im out in windows and using Dart ??..
#681 I can't. When i login and select the "chat" in the buttom, the only thing i can see is what i write - i can't see what players ingame are writing.