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About phil5000

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  • Gender
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    New Zealand
  • Interests
    Girls, games, military modelling and err... cheese. That's about it.
  1. phil5000

    looking for a server to call home

    Hello. I'm very new (have installed, haven't yet played) and I'm curious about servers as well. Can someone tell me what is important when choosing a server? Is geographic location important (I'm in New Zealand)? Do different servers have different rules and such? Is game content the same in each server? Do I need permission to join a server or do I just select one, start the game and go? I'm pretty new to online games as a whole so sorry if I ask dumb questions. And I thought I should ask in an existing thread rather than start a new one with the same topic but if I should have done that someone let me know. :)