Due to the large amount of servers disregarding the DayZ Server Rules, I thought it prudent to post all the servers I found today that were locked with passwords. To review, here are the DayZ server rules: You may not password the server at any time. No excess keys or mods. You may not kick players to make room for friends or clan mates. You must keep the server name format that will be pre-set in your server config. We strongly advise against modifying any ArmA 2 files if you don't know what you are doing. You could end up being blacklisted from hosting DayZ. Try your best to warn players if you need to restart the server. Last of all, please respect all players. Failure to adhere to these rules will cause your server being banned from hosting DayZ without hesitation by the DayZ Mod Team. Here is a list of all the servers I found passworded today. I have screenshots of every one of these, but it's too many to attach to one post. If you require these screenshots, I can provide them one by one in the thread or I can provide a .rar file packed with all the shots. Let me know. CZ01 {Prague,EU-DW} DE-FUN#2 [Helis|Cars] UK02 (EU-DW) UK107 US 220 DE 199 US 215 US 175 DE 165 UA 2 US155 SE7 DE 197 US 414 Chicago US CA, San Jose #13 NL 16