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Everything posted by badmethod

  1. Hi guys how we all doing? Hoping to get a little help if possible with the following issue. I downloaded and set up the DayZ standalone dedicated server software and got myself a server running. Tested it across my Lan just for fun and all was good. The only problem I have now is knowing where to 1: download addons from for the server, 2: where do these server addon files go, (in server directory somewhere I presume ie. !Workshop folder created by me like the client has?) 3: I imagine that I will need to reference the mod name in the start.bat I created for the server? Would really love any input on this one as all I can find so far is workshop instructions for nitrado servers etc for PS4 and i am a PC player/ Hoster. Thank you in advance for any and all help. 🙂
  2. Hi guys new to the game but you probably guessed that hehe. My question is simple. Is there a way to bind a key to auto run? I use a Razer Nostromo and my thumb is starting to hurt and for some reason I just can't seem to find a keybind for it. Any help appreciated & thanks in advance. :)
  3. Third person invisiblity? It started yesterday and I am now able to walk around invisibly amongst survivors and zombies alike without detection. I can kill them both too and loot them. I have updated the beta and updated the mod with six launcher and emailed Rocket my RPT file as advised in other threads. I also noticed that this was supposed to be fixed a few updates ago. I tried all the fixes, even the one where you kill a survivor in the hopes of getting the bandit skin with no luck, (sorry Casper, i wasn't griefing you). So yeah, anyone got any ideas?
  4. badmethod

    Anyone know a fix for..

    oops, sorry about that, fixed it. :) "Update" That fixed it a treat! Thank you again Beloozero! :D
  5. badmethod

    Anyone know a fix for..

    Thanks for the reply Beloozero, going for a look now. :)
  6. badmethod

    Completely invisible

    Getting this as of today. Email sent. Asked in chat and a few others are having it happen too. Can't die, Zeds don't see me, players don't see me but I sure as Hell can gather loot and kill folks, (tried the kill a person to get the bandit skin as mentioned earlier in this thread). Stopped playing til it's sorted.
  7. Seriously I have trouble not just raging when people start spouting off about what the game is "supposed" to be. How about we let the fucking people making the fucking game decide what it's supposed to be and we stick to testing? If you have a minimum of 2 people with you at all times then you have nothing to complain about. Zombies are still stupid and slow indoors. Line them up and take turns shooting. Job's done. No YOU spend half your time doing that because you are terrible at avoiding zombies. Try going prone once in awhile it still works wonders even in There's always one idiot that thinks we should all play the way he does. Lots of people solo and other styles of play and I am sick of your one eyed remarks; get fucked!
  8. Personally' date=' I'm a gamer that chooses immersion over pretty much anything else, and I have found few things that need "improving" that I wasn't sure rocket already plans to fix. Other than the outrageously dark nights. That cause 80% of people to leave the servers. ...I think I'm allowed to be bitter about just one thing. [/quote'] Yeah. /signed on the nighttime thing. As soon as it gets dark most folks leave. I'd also like to see the side channel make a comeback as it was outrageously funny and had a great social side to it.
  9. badmethod

    I'm going to stop playing DayZ

    Gratz on the kiddies mate! keep em warm and love em to death blah blah, you know how the story goes hehe; bloody awesome!
  10. badmethod

    Zombie Aggro distance

    They do seem to be a tad over the top at the moment. That and all the leopard crawling you have to do now seems like an exercise in tedium.
  11. No. Adding in a bit late but I have played it now and it's not a game, it's frustration.
  12. Man, what a thread... All I can say is that I used to enjoy the tension and sneaking around. I had a pistol that snapped a Zombie in three shots if I was surprised by them and a head shot if I had the time to line it up. It ran out of ammo pretty fast too. It felt good as I could actually progress a little while still holding my nutsack very tightly. Now it feels like an exercise in frustration at best. Reminds me of the video that Michael did on Rooster teeth rage quit when he played Super Meat boy. It really has got me fucked how you guys can call this fun but in my experience with games it seems that the vocal minority always seems to win out. Congratulations. Now to find something else to play.
  13. badmethod

    So let me get this straight...

    I was afraid this might happen. Could we at least have some way of doing a melee attack to defend ourselves maybe? Ahh well, it was fun while it lasted.
  14. badmethod

    OMG more LLJK goon hacking!!!!!!

    Rage and lie eh? Coming from you that's rich! I really do feel sorry for you and given enough time you may, 'may' just figure out why.. Hope springs eternal as they say.
  15. badmethod

    OMG more LLJK goon hacking!!!!!!

    Nah it was you dude, or someone smurfing as you and if that was the case then hook up with him... you can both run around being complete tossers together. Who knows, you may even find love? Instead of ruining everything for everyone why don't you just hop back over to CSS or just plain pull your fucking head in? Guys like you are soooo mid 90's....
  16. badmethod

    OMG more LLJK goon hacking!!!!!!

    I have seen that Scooty guy on a server here and there. Always seems to have people raging at him for the stupid crap he does. Wouldn't piss on him if he was on fire and I feel sorry for anyone who has to use methods like his to garner attention. Poor guy must be really dead inside.
  17. badmethod

    "you cannot play/edit this mission"

    I am beginning to wonder if this mod is some kind of sick joke? I have tried every method of install and set up that I can find. I hit a server and get stuck on a load screen, Sometimes the game actually gets going and all i can do is just stand there and not move. Other times it just says 'retrying to authenticate' and on the odd occasion i get to actually play until i need to respawn and then I get booted off. I have run a thousand mods for a thousand games and not seen anything like this. I have used the six updater and run it from both shortcuts it provides to no avail. I launched from steam with the correct parameters and still nothing. What I have tasted I love and want more! Please forgive my frustration as I have never had to jump through so many hoops in order to play a game. Please help!