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Everything posted by Julian134

  1. Julian134

    Moving house...

    I'm moving house in a few weeks and i was wondering if my account would be banned because id be using a different IP address. I heard that if your IP address changes they think your key has been stolen or something?
  2. I saw that some people start of with a custom skin, like some kinda PMC outdfit, How is this done and what do i need to do it? Im guessing its legit and you wont get banned for it? Do i need to download an expansion or do i need to DL the textures from somewhere else as well? Lastly do only you see the custom textures or does everyone?
  3. I got banned on my first account for logging into multiple places. I had it re-instated but it got taken away again for the same reason so i bought another copy on a new steam account. I removed EVERYTHING on the first steam account that related to ARMA II including the Registry data and all that so no traces of it remained on my new copy. Anyway my question is. Can i play DayZ while logged into my old steam account? They shouldnt be able to ban me for that cos DayZ detects via the key and not steam right?
  4. I got banned awhile back for having a different Ip address. I got my account but changed house soon after and my IP address got me banned again or something like that. Anyway i was wondering if i bought another copy of ARMA II combined ops on the same Steam account can i play DayZ again on that account? using the new activation key. I was wondering if i was banned on my Steam account or if i was banned via the key they use.