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About QUADxRezurected

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. QUADxRezurected

    I Need Help With Rmod

    Ok so how do i take my rmod and install it on my dayz server correctly without having to have all of my clients or player have it to? So far i have only found ones that have to have all players having the file downloaded or they cannot play. NEED HELP!!
  2. QUADxRezurected

    You like our server?

    RoyalCraft DayZ | PvP | Private Hive description: PvP animated heli crashes AI(soldiers,survivors,and bandits) 100+vehicles (fully repaired and fueled) fully involved admins happy inviorment custom loot spawns (possible) custom load-outs battle eye hacking prevention Hope you have fun let me know if you have any questions, happy looting.