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Everything posted by FrankTheDuck

  1. $20 says your vehicles where found. Admins cannot see vehicles. And when you see the map indicators you ONLY see it after interacting with the vehicle. Not before hand (from my experience) Also you check their spawn points? Did you mean you checked the locations you moved them too? And it could be possible that hackers can move the vehicles. A hacker today appeared behind me (Said he'd been following me and my friends) Offered us a ride to his camp, Off we went. It had over 10 vehicles in it, A crashed huey all sorts of crap. Vehicles that appeared like they had spawned on their spawn points and not been repaired. For example an atv that had full hull but needed everything else. We proceeded to destroy all vehicles to get them back to spawn points as i'm sure people lost them due to him doing this. Maybe the hackers can find camps and take the vehicles no idea how it works. But please, Don't blame the admins! Most of us do what we can to keep it fair.
  2. Simple break down for the grammar nazi's scriptors teleported all players to his camp. He came on our TS server. We dealt with is as best as possible. (bans placed) They blew his vehicles up. He has reason to rage.
  3. FrankTheDuck

    Cowardly players (SoGG Clan.)

    I feel you. Alt f4's faggots and server hoppers have been the death of me a few times. Hunt on!
  4. FrankTheDuck

    The Church service?

    I just watched a youtube video about a church service, Someone dropped a grenade.... everyone died,
  5. FrankTheDuck

    DayZ Thunderdome

    Taking hacked goods... Lame
  6. FrankTheDuck


    Perhaps you all should have used the thermo gauge to begin with instead of relying on the debug menu? If it goes white warm up, If it's night raining hard and your running non stop you should know by now how long you've got. Get over it. carry a heat pack and stay in buildings for 5 mins every town you come across. It's not hard.
  7. FrankTheDuck

    A few tips for new trigger happy players

    Except blood bags... Yes yes I know a cow or sheep can heal you up well. but honestly who carries 6+ meat on them? When ever im in cherno/elektro i do the exact opposite of everything you've said. Except shooting, i don't need to shoot in cherno/elektro unless theres players shooting at me. EDIT I also forgot to add, I've never been snipped in cherno/elektro. The 2 times i've been snipped has been military related (NWAF,Stary), where I was sneaking, not running full speed.
  8. FrankTheDuck

    Possible hacked vehicle in US330

    lol @ 5 M4A3 CCO's Nah none of that kit i would say is hacked, I go through M4A3's like they're cans of beans. Untill i find the ACOG one :D
  9. FrankTheDuck

    Your vehicle experiences.

    ^^^ At once stage my clan held a bus tractor bicycles and that server went down and changed name never found it again, Now on the server we host we had a ute motorbike 2 bicycles and a ural, camp got discovered we found people looting it, dealt with them but lost bicycles and motor bike in that proccess. Move camp ute and ural, came back next day it was all gone tents left empty. Was a good week of fun tho with them. There's nothing like driving the ural into the airfield at night time popping 5000 flares and having a field day.
  10. I only sneak in airfield, Or when im kitted out and in elektro or cherno, If I have standard gear (ak m1911) ill run like a mad man, The sneaking drives me insane. Zombie tails are so easy to loose now with LoS. Why waste time sneaking? If i've started fresh in cherno/elektro it only takes 20 mins max sprinting to get kitted with alice ak m1911 blood bags morphine food and drink map/compas/watch/knife/hatchet/matches and be on my way.
  11. FrankTheDuck

    UK6379 admin abuse

    *insert rant here about people accusing Admins when its scriptors/hackers* Try searching the forums before you post mate.
  12. FrankTheDuck

    Toolbox - Needed?

    I've never done car work with out a toolbox so not sure. But toolbox will remove that pesky wire fence someone put over the barracks entrance ;)
  13. I type when i'm restarting my server manualy. I give 5 mins for people to save vehicles and tents. But my scheduled restarts? Nothing I can do about, Except put the motd message stating server restart times.
  14. FrankTheDuck

    Dear fucker who killed my friend then alt-f4'd.

    Tbh, I can deal with the hackers, broken legs through doorways and if i ever experience it the spawning unconscious. 1. hackers are in every game. get over it. 2. Broken leg for silly reasons sucks for sure, I always carry 3 morphine. (Games in ALPHA stage remember? expect glitches) 3. Spawning unconscious would also suck, But it's always a count down time. If your logging in a safe location it's no problem. Only people this would effect is server hoppers, And alt f4'in girls. And tbh, Who cares about them? I consider alt f4 to be of the highest issues. Along with the ease of scriptors/hackers.
  15. FrankTheDuck

    Dear fucker who killed my friend then alt-f4'd.

    Happened to me just yesterday, Was looting a crashed huey. Someone took a shot at me and missed, I legged it getting the huey between me and where i believe the shots came from, ran up and around mountain forest, to come down on the position where the shots where fired from, got within 150m of the guy set up for my shot sadly missed my first shot, but hit him at least 3 times to watch him disappear. I hate people that have the balls to engage you, then when fired back they log like the girls they are.
  16. FrankTheDuck

    Any Way To Remove Marks On The Map?

    Press "Del" whilst holding mouse over the marks. People using ingame map for things are silly.
  17. FrankTheDuck

    Squad Management

    Too many snipers not enough soldiers.
  18. Do you have a murder? Your a bandit. Have you robbed someone with out killing them? Your a bandit doing it right.
  19. FrankTheDuck

    In game store and money

    Go play more borderlands..
  20. FrankTheDuck


    Millitary tents indicate stary, Thats all i needed to red. ^^^ +1
  21. FrankTheDuck

    Server US 216 - Admin Abuse

    There are many people that host their own servers simply for the fact that they just want to kick people off that kill them or call them names. Because power gets them off. And yes some admins may very well be scripters/hackers and theres not a squat load the Admins who are trying to provide a clean fair place to play can do. I've only been played maybe 1.5 months. 1 month in I hired a server (got addicted) And during that time i've only witnessed the teleport to a spot and get shot 3 times,All within 40 mins of each other on my server (closed it down for an hour or two so the prats got bored waiting for it to come back up) So in my not so long a playing period, and from monitoring the forums, The incidents seemed to have increased tenfold in the last week. Sorry for my first post, I was just annoyed. lol Frankie
  22. FrankTheDuck

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Thanks Aggroschnarre, but +Ben+ was able to help me on the way to another person in need, Thank you for the offer, And thank you +Ben+ for the antibiotics! You guys rock.
  23. FrankTheDuck

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Seriously, No one? I can run anywhere on the map. All i need is antibiotics!
  24. FrankTheDuck

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    No one? :(
  25. FrankTheDuck

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I'm NE of Grishino but capable of moving to where ever, I need antibiotics...