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Everything posted by FrankTheDuck

  1. FrankTheDuck

    Stop saying "friendly" and immediately trusting me

    I went to the effort today to give a freshly spawned player a gun (Was only a remington but I trying to get rid of it) I placed it on ground saluted him and walked away... BANG BANG BANG Dead, Coyote backpack and m24 gone. Time and time again I tell my self never trust any one. Yet I continually trust people. For some reason I find it hard to gun down an unarmed or not well equipped player, Despite how many times it has lead to my death
  2. FrankTheDuck

    US 767 AS50 TWS

    Kiddie Admin? So I'm a kiddie Admin, Because I choose to remove people who take advantage of things left behind by hackers? Do you think it's your "right" to use this equipment? You used hacked equipment you get one warning (For those that are unaware of whats legit in the game) Second time, No excuses. If you want that unfair advantage over everyone else that is not possible via legit methods, That's the base ingredient in becoming a hacker your self. And in such a case you are not welcome on a server run by our clan that has prided it self on Fair Play since BF2 first came out.
  3. FrankTheDuck

    Medical Supplies for trade

    Not to crush your spirits, But i highly doubt people will trade for medical supplies. They're exceptionally easy to come by. And most players i know carry what you've said on them at all times.
  4. FrankTheDuck

    New Major BattlEye Anti-Cheat Features

    So the item spawned is one way you can see? Is there a list of which items are and are not present in DayZ? I've seen people talk about looking at missions and such, But not coming from an Arma background I'm not too positive of what is meant by it. Also look at your submissions i'm seeing alot of things that I'm also seeing in my logs. The createvehicle ones i'm interested in, I've people spawning in vehicles (I'm assuming) resulting in logs looking like code's you have submitted. Am i to assume they are scripting the vehicles when this code is present? It's not code popping up when they are entering or leaving a vehicle? I guess i also need to understand what is being logged (As in whats the setting to trigger the log actualy mean) Thank you for the links, I'll spend a hefty amount of time now going through my logs. And even over some of your submissions to see if i can understand it a bit more. Ty for the help Sir.
  5. FrankTheDuck

    New Major BattlEye Anti-Cheat Features

    All these new things to log are fun and all. But is there still a tutorial on what the damned code means? I can understand some but now with another 2-3 log files being created i'm just back to being more confused. All i'm asking for is a link to some page where someone has taken the time to explain it all. Surely it exists given Arma's player base? Also what's the point of the createvehicle log logging people creating their clothing and backpack when logging in? It's just filling it with irrelevant text is it not? So as I don't know how to read any of this, Is this a guy spawning stuff or just the log having a field day? 26.08.2012 23:27:01: HDMI (removed) (removed) - #0 "USBasicWeaponsBox" 25:187 [12905,12153,99] 26.08.2012 23:27:23: HDMI (removed) (removed) - #0 "DZ_Backpack_EP1" 25:188 [0,0,0] 26.08.2012 23:29:00: HDMI (removed) (removed) - #0 "Sniper1_DZ" 25:194 [1,0,0] 26.08.2012 23:31:18: HDMI (removed) (removed) - #0 "USBasicWeaponsBox" 25:211 [13905,2936,32] 26.08.2012 23:31:31: HDMI (removed) (removed) - #0 "DZ_Backpack_EP1" 25:212 [0,0,0] 26.08.2012 23:34:48: HDMI (removed) (removed) - #0 "F_40mm_White" 25:232 25:194 [13228,3201,61] [54,29,50] 26.08.2012 23:35:08: HDMI (removed) (removed) - #0 "F_40mm_White" 25:233 25:194 [13277,3223,63] [31,49,54] 26.08.2012 23:41:08: HDMI (removed) (removed) - #0 "F_40mm_White" 25:260 25:194 [143,1610,7] [-49,29,55] 26.08.2012 23:41:26: HDMI (removed) (removed) - #0 "F_40mm_White" 25:261 25:194 [100,1634,9] [-24,32,68] 26.08.2012 23:41:42: HDMI (removed) (removed) - #0 "F_40mm_White" 25:262 25:194 [91,1676,15] [-14,42,65] 26.08.2012 23:41:58: HDMI (removed) (removed) - #0 "F_40mm_White" 25:263 25:194 [89,1743,32] [-5,46,65] 26.08.2012 23:42:15: HDMI (removed) (removed) - #0 "F_40mm_White" 25:264 25:194 [92,1828,51] [-8,46,64] 26.08.2012 23:43:51: HDMI (removed) (removed) - #0 "F_40mm_White" 25:269 25:194 [270,2134,85] [-30,-72,11] 26.08.2012 23:43:56: HDMI (removed) (removed) - #0 "F_40mm_White" 25:270 25:194 [272,2142,84] [19,76,10] 26.08.2012 23:44:01: HDMI (removed) (removed) - #0 "F_40mm_White" 25:271 25:194 [279,2156,81] [32,67,27] 26.08.2012 23:44:10: HDMI (removed) (removed) - #0 "F_40mm_White" 25:272 25:194 [290,2176,77] [17,35,69] 26.08.2012 23:44:49: HDMI (removed) (removed) - #0 "F_40mm_Green" 25:275 25:194 [339,2277,104] [32,58,48] 26.08.2012 23:45:02: HDMI (removed) (removed) - #0 "F_40mm_Green" 25:276 25:194 [353,2300,117] [10,38,69] 26.08.2012 23:45:20: HDMI (removed) (removed) - #0 "F_40mm_Green" 25:277 25:194 [393,2377,144] [8,75,26] 26.08.2012 23:45:28: HDMI (removed) (removed) - #0 "F_40mm_Green" 25:278 25:194 [401,2393,146] [11,39,68] 26.08.2012 23:45:46: HDMI (removed) (removed) - #0 "F_40mm_Green" 25:281 25:194 [430,2465,147] [19,58,50] 26.08.2012 23:46:01: HDMI (removed) (removed) - #0 "F_40mm_Green" 25:282 25:194 [466,2526,140] [38,56,41] 26.08.2012 23:48:03: HDMI (removed) (removed) - #0 "Sniper1_DZ" 30:4 [0,0,0] 26.08.2012 23:48:03: HDMI (removed) (removed) - #0 "DZ_Backpack_EP1" 30:6 [0,0,0]
  6. FrankTheDuck

    I have officially played too much DayZ!

    You even Alt + F4 in your dreams? Sad.
  7. Ok So the past week or longer tents on my server are constantly reverting back to an old save with gear in them after every restart. DESPITE saving them after looting them or even emptying them and packing them up, After a restart they appear again but empty. Now after updating to Vehicles are also doing it. Me and a friend spent hours last night to get two atvs going get sufficient jerry cans and go loot a heap of camp sites we knew about. Everything went as planned we got stuff we wanted to help gear up our clan mates and such. We hid our atvs for the night saved them of course to ensure the save. After just logging in now (2 server restarts later (Automated)) My atv is back to having the stuff it starts with in it (can of beans heat pack and something else) Loosing 4 jerrys generous supply of food water meds 2x AS50's with ammo and 1 M1A4 CCO SD with ammo. All gone. So am I doing something wrong or is every server having this problem? Yes i'm aware we are in alpha, But it appears we're going BACKWARDS not forwards with patch releases. I use to have no problem with tents/vehiles before. /End rant
  8. FrankTheDuck

    Tents/vehicles not saving gear

    So basically, I should revert back a patch if I want my server to function with using vehicles and tents? I mean they are a part of the game and not just a little part...
  9. FrankTheDuck

    Almost Hacker Free Servers?

    ^^^ +1 My server doesn't usualy get hit untill population is about 35+ "USUALY" But low pop seems to be the way to go.
  10. Just to ease others, I traded with this guy just now. He patiently waited whilst i had to manually update to newest patch and beta and then had game troubles (Kept crashing) We met up and trade went smoother then Emma Stones ass.
  11. If i was doing a trade i'd have sniper cover also. Wether i told you about it or not lol I have the goggles but no gillie suits :(
  12. FrankTheDuck

    Servers not updating in a timely manner

    I'll tell you why, My server has been provided with the update and I have yet to apply it. So still running the older patch of DayZ. It will continue to run the older version untill the newest is provided through SixUpdater. If you read the patch notes Rocket has said it will not be hosted by sixupdater untill the DayZ Team are happy with the patch. So simply, I'm not updating untill sixupdater is providing the client side update. It saves having to walk my clan through manually updating. It's just easier this way. To wait for patch to be approved.
  13. FrankTheDuck

    Understanding Scripts

    if (!isDedicated) then { "dayzSetDate" addPublicVariableEven" 12.08.2012 18:16:52: Cooper (Players IP) GUID - #34 "player setHit ['legs',1]; player setVariable ['hit_legs',2,true]; player setVariable['medFor" 12.08.2012 18:16:52: oxyscope (Players IP) GUID - #34 "player setHit ['legs',1]; player setVariable ['hit_legs',2,true]; player setVariable['medFor" 12.08.2012 18:16:52: pokerface (Players IP) GUID - #34 "player setHit ['legs',1]; player setVariable ['hit_legs',2,true]; player setVariable['medFor" 12.08.2012 18:16:52: pokerface (Players IP) GUID - #107 "elect 1) spawn dayz_recordLogin}; }; Ok so. I found this is my scripts log. It goes on and on for every player at the exact time. (I was monitoring via BErcon when I seen people start typing up lots of "wtf" and "teleport") So downloaded the current log to investigate and the above is what I found. Is there a way to tell who instigated it? I'm assuming everyone's legs where broken? Can someone please bother to explain how to read these logs? Players IP's and GUID's removed for obvious reasons. Frankie
  14. FrankTheDuck

    Understanding Scripts

    No there's not. I'll have to compare the list against those on at that time i guess. Ty
  15. FrankTheDuck

    US 863 - Upgraded Server with SSD!

    Was gonna join to see the load times, But i can't even find the server. I get US 1863?? Got an IP i can manualy connect to? ****EDIT***** Never mind i got it.
  16. FrankTheDuck

    Can Openers and food expiration.

    Because it takes more then .5 of a second to eat? lols
  17. The idea would possibly work But the NPC's would need to be beefed up BIG TIME They need to be a massive threat for a player vs npc enviroment to work. PvP add's to the current game play, It's an amazing heart pumping experience having a fire fight with other players. Zombie's don't give me that scare any more. Being in a building and hearing gun fire erupt from the building next to you is like nothing the zombies can provide.
  18. FrankTheDuck

    Starting a fresh server vehicle question

    Found bicycles the instant my server was first put up. So who knows
  19. FrankTheDuck

    BErcon not working ?

    You need to put in your servers IP.... not your ip
  20. FrankTheDuck

    speed art | wp DayZ HD

    All of the above. Excellent.
  21. FrankTheDuck

    New Hack??? Satchel Charges????

    The same reason I see one pile of loot but the guy I'm playing with see's a different loot pile. Alpha stage mod. Keep that in mind.
  22. FrankTheDuck

    New Hack??? Satchel Charges????

    Satchel charges are legit. Unless my servers spawn points are hacking :)
  23. FrankTheDuck

    Admin powers?

    We can: Kick Ban See logs (NOT IN REALTIME) Stop/Restart Server. And from my knowledge that's it. I run a server, Making sure the ban's file and server is updated is basically all I do.
  24. leave your game running and die or starvation in the background.. Hur durr
  25. FrankTheDuck

    You get some satchel charges. What would you do with it?

    Last time i had some, I spotted a group of 6 clan members looting NWAF so i snuck in whilst they where behind the firehouse and put a charge in the command tower, Got spotted on my exit so never got to use the charge. Woulda be great tho.