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About ShakyJake

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  1. ShakyJake

    Why I love this mod | Lee enfield long shot

    The only weapons that do more damage than the Enfield in this game are the .50 caliber sniper rifles. It might be loud, but it's also incredibly lethal.
  2. ShakyJake

    Friendlies in Cherno? 11 peoples say yes!

    Oh yeah? . When it goes to pot, it goes fast.
  3. ShakyJake

    Hacking poll question

    A week ago I would have said people are exaggerating just how much hacking happens in-game. In the last six days, though, I've seen about 3x more hacking happening than in the whole month and a half previous to this. My last three deaths have been to hackers. Not just, "Oh I didn't see my killer, he must have been hacking!", but very real blatant hacking. As much as I realize that it's an alpha phase and that we can't expect serious measures to be taken against people hacking what's basically a mod, I still think something is going to have to be done about this by the time it goes standalone. It was one thing when the game wasn't popular enough to attract this kind of attention by most griefers, but there's no question they have the game in their sights now.
  4. ShakyJake

    Hack Fest.

    My last few deaths: 1) Five days ago. A man teleports into the NE airfield hangar behind me, playing "Hip to be Square" over ingame voicecoms, and wielding a hatchet. He is wearing Rocket's custom skin (woodland camo and a red beret), and is completely invulnerable to bullets. He kills both me and my buddy with his hatchet. 2) Four days ago. We encounter another squad who are moving around the map with both a helicopter, and a UAZ following underneath. We determine later that they're mostly crash-site hunting, but our squad comes across a crash site before they manage to. Unfortunately, they show up while we're still there. We unload on their helicopter and it flies away damaged. A minute later, we start dying one by one by an invisible killer at point blank range. It's blatant. Though they don't communicate or taunt us vocally, we can HEAR them walking around us before we are killed. 3) Three days ago. We find some new players, and form a small group. "Let's go to Zelengork!", we decide. As we're moving through the woods, a player in a ghillie suit appears behind our lead man. My squadmates are quick to the trigger, though, and unload on him with apparently no effect. They call hacker and begin aborting out of game as soon as they see he's not dying from bullets. I don't take the warning and decide to test out this invulnerability for myself. I do not survive this encounter. 4) I don't play for a few days, depressed about dying so many times in a row to hackers. Finally, I log in yesterday and create a character, intent on finding all the starting equipment again. I run my way up to Rog castle where I encounter barbed wire over the entrance. I step over it, and check out the place, finding a revolver. As I'm heading back downstairs to the exit, I see a player in a ghillie suit and carrying an AS50 on the other side of the barbed wire. "Come on out, I'm friendly!", he tells me. No thank you. He's running and walking into the barbed wire, but doesn't seem to know about stepping over it like I did. He's very chatty, too, and tells me he can see everyone on the map, including their vehicles, and is invulnerable. He even invites me to try killing him, and turns his back (I wouldn't show myself to him until he did), and he's not lying. Bullets to any part of him did nothing but make a blood spatter. He soon decides to leave and attempts to spawn a Humvee, but spawns a rubber boat on accident. He laughs at the mistake and shoots it up with his AS50 while helpfully explaining that it's okay, because he has unlimited ammunition. Well, thank goodness...? I hide like a coward until he's gone. This is the only encounter where I don't die at the end of it. Honestly, I don't know what to think about this, anymore. One week ago, I would have made the argument that hacking was extremely rare in this game, and would have told people not to worry about it. In the past week, though, I've died ONLY to hackers, and judging from my experiences of the last week it's seemed to have become much more pervasive. I even had the good fortune to have found a the holy grail (an L85 AWS) at a crash site yesterday, and am now doubting that it was such good luck after all, since I'm terrified at the idea of a cheater teleporting in behind me and killing me without even the chance to fight back. Unless my last week's encounters are just a random fluke, I'm definitely in the camp for thinking there needs to be a much better way of policing these people, now.
  5. ShakyJake

    Hackers making game unplayable

    I've run across very few hackers in the last month of playing, so I don't think it's that common. It just really sucks to be the guy that it happens to, when it does. I was at NE airfield earlier and after going to the back of the hangar to loot, I was walking back towards the door when I heard music in-game behind me. Turned around to see a man in tan camo clothing and a red beret charging towards me with an axe. Put half my clip from my Bizon into him with seemingly no effect before I died. I even alerted my buddy who was outside, who had time to camp the door and empty his pistol into the man with the same lack of effect, before he too went down. That's a new one to me, never even heard of this. Seeing the guy wearing an actual beret was a pretty big tip-off to the shenanigans. Anyone else have this happen to them?
  6. ShakyJake

    Heli sound?

    I'm guessing it was something like what this guy is doing here.
  7. ShakyJake

    List of Server Hoppers

    Twenty seconds? So the guy was able to completely log into another server, run to a position behind you from whatever range you spotted him from, then log back into your server, all in twenty seconds? Are you sure that just wasn't a second guy there? I don't know about you guys, but the server load alone usually takes me around 1-2 minutes.
  8. So, just to make sure I'm reading you correctly, you're saying that your typical nighttime trip consists of one long unbroken chain of flares, from town to town? Because yeah, that sounds super safe.
  9. ShakyJake

    Are Tents Broken?

    Try crawling around and flattening the grass all around the area you want to place it. I was having the same trouble until someone suggested this, and then it worked no problem.
  10. ShakyJake

    Death from being Offline

    I don't think this happens anymore. One of the last few patch notes suggested that food and drink levels don't deteriorate anymore while offline.
  11. The best compromise I've been able to come up with is some moderated murder. From now on, I'm going to only announce myself and give people a chance to declare themselves friendly from a concealed location. Doing it in the open just seems to give them the chance to line up on your head while you wait on their answer (which I suppose IS an answer). Maybe I'll try to run away and ask from around a corner or something, but if we're somewhere that I can't get something between me and their gun FAST, it's just their unlucky day.
  12. Did you cherry-pick that quote of mine? I mentioned hospitals only two sentences past this quote, SeptusCap, so I'm not sure how you arrived at your conclusion. The point I was trying to make was that leg-breaking happens so much more often now, that the cure for that status ought to be proportionately more common as well. Prior to this update, I never felt the NEED to visit hospitals to stock up on morphine the way I do now, and those morphines seem to vanish alarmingly fast once I'm forced to fight. I'm scared to be caught out of crawling distance of one those three cities, which I'd rather not visit at all if I had the choice, being the death magnets that they are.
  13. ShakyJake

    Broken Leg Probability

    I agree completely. It obviously isn't 100% chance or even close to that, but it IS high enough that you'll burn through morphine faster than you'll find it.
  14. Seriously, why all the hate in this thread? I happen to play this game with the OP, and perhaps his post was a bit of venting, but you should all realize that it illuminates what happens to be an issue in the game right now. We were talking about this in ventrilo, and determined that zombies are currently far more likely to cause such a debilitating injury than you are likely to find a cure for said injury! Seriously, how often do you guys find morphine laying around? In my experience, it has been very rarely, and I've ALWAYS picked it up. Most often, it's been in military locations, or off of other dead players. I'm not sure if I've ever found it in houses, and visiting one of those pages listing detailed loot spawn chances seems to suggest it can't spawn in residential locations at all, and only rarely in industrial and military spawns, or more commonly in hospitals. Couple the low probability of finding it with the much increased probability of NEEDING it after contact with the zeds, and you have the issue underlying the whole point of this thread. Call it whining if you want, but this is a discussion forum, and this is exactly the place to talk about issues like this.
  15. ShakyJake

    DMR or M14?

    The DMR might not have any adjustable zeroing, but it IS already zeroed to 300 meters by default, and the mildots will give you the aimpoint for each 100m beyond 300m. The first mildot under the crosshair is 400m and so on, until the very bottom bar which is 800m.