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Everything posted by JackieBoy

  1. JackieBoy

    looking for serious dayz origins clan

    27, alecsmeltzer (iowa) not on the name add me on skype
  2. JackieBoy


    Hello my name is Jack! I am going to be making videos for dayz (obviously) now id tell you a little bit about me. I am 27 i am a network engineer i live in Iowa. I like to play games i am married and have 2 children.
  3. Application layout: Name: Alec Age: 14 almost 15 Country: United States Why do I want to join: It seems like a cool idea. Do I have a Mic: Yes Acting experience/qualifications N/A). What can you bring to the project: I have acted in many videos not only youtube related drama at school etc Would you be willing to help wright a script: Depends if i have a "deadline" What is your average frame rate on Dayz: 15ish in cities anywhere else 30 or so But i CANT record on 99% of the maps besides taviana i get good fps there for some odd reason
  4. arma2oa 2013-04-20 21-30-18-35.bmp
  5. JackieBoy

    Some people are beyond dumb.

    LOL couldnt tell you mate.
  6. JackieBoy

    Trading FN-FAL

    To be honest its not a high traded weapon. sorry
  7. JackieBoy

    Looking For A New Bandit Friend!

    wow. that uhhhh made me actually want to become a hero after reading this.
  8. JackieBoy

    Taviana 023

    Hello ladies and gentlemen! Its Jack again to bring you a cool server i have been playing on! If you go in the filter and search 023 you will find a taviana server with a password (mctnfo) Features: Decent Amount of vehicles siphone fuel harvest parts wonderful and very customable base building people who are willing to trade everyday able to smelt tin cans soda cans etc for tank traps scrap metal to make bases instead of having to find it all Extra: Its easy to start! Base building is easy to start smelting is a great way to start!
  9. JackieBoy

    Taviana 023

  10. JackieBoy

    Taviana 023

    I see 45 views. Someone has to atleast looked at the server?
  11. JackieBoy

    The Horde

    LOL thought he was talking about the french movie
  12. JackieBoy


    Thanks for the quick reply and warm welcome!