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About Jayke.preece

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    On the Coast
  1. Name: Jayke Age: 18 TeamSpeak Name: Jayke Mic?: Yes Why do you want to join?: support a team as sniper Experience in game: countless kills as sniper with DMR and cz 550 Timezone: (UTC+12:00) Auckland, Wellington In game Name: Jayke How long have you ben playing dayZ mod and or arma? about 3 months now How often do you play a week? 4-10 weekdays and most weekends depending if i go to town Any questions about the clan? is it more pvp or survival? What can you bring to the clan? Good cover as a sniper as well as good counter sniping/flanking
  2. Recruitment Application Form Age: 18 Can you speak English: Yes Steam Name: cptnbadas Country of Residence: New Zealand How long have been playing DayZ: a long time Do you have any military experience: taught to snipe at a young age by British army sniper (dad) Why do you want to join the Red Devil Company: Looking for a active clan to join as sniper/scout What can you bring to the clan: accurate sniping and counter sniping Cheers - Jayke
  3. Jayke.preece

    [ETF] Elite TaskForce

    Real name: Jayke Preece Skype name: Jayke.preece (GMT) timezone: New Zealand Age: 18 Why do you want to join Elite: Looking for a bad ass clan with active PvP players. Please put a (x) beside the class you want to be. Sniper/Spotter (X) Heavy Assault C.Q.B Medic Engineer