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About millor

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  1. Fix the mouse acceleration option in the menu so it actually turns off so the game actually becomes playable please.
  2. millor

    #1 priority issue needing to be fixed

    Yes, this is just about exactly what I'm talking about, that's the negative mouse acceleration. Earlier I was explaining postive mouse acceleration, but it's just simply the opposite of that, when you turn quickly, your actual movement is lessened and slowed down. It basically makes it so if you're trying to fine tune your aim to shoot at something, your sensitivity is too high, but when you try to turn around quickly, your aim speed is too low, because negative acceleration is being forced on you. This is a problem that's been in the ARMA engine until ARMA 3, but rocket has some how made it even worse in his own personal edit of the engine. Wishful thinking is that it's just a placeholder for trying to stop people from doing instant 180's to kill people holding them up from behind, and that another fix will be around soon(like I mentioned in the OP). But chances are it's just terrible coding.
  3. millor

    #1 priority issue needing to be fixed

    Then maybe this game shouldn't use WASD then either, or left click to shoot, because those are in counter strike, and those are also basic control inputs. This isn't like some gameplay design like weapon handling, this is fucking CONTROLS. It's unplayable for me and my friend at the moment, we just can't tolerate this shit it's so bad, this isn't something you get used to, because it's just full blown inferior in every way, it's like trying to use a controller to play a shooter. I would absolutely be greatly saddened if what could've been a great game was rendered pretty much unbearable over such a simple, but hugely important detail. If the game was just simply buggy, and that's all I had to be disappointed about, I'd actually be pretty happy overall. But it's this simple, important thing that I fear rocket doesn't understand is a problem, just because most people are too casual to even customize their controls in the first place, and if something doesn't feel right, they for some reason think "it's supposed to be that way", so not enough people say anything about it, but no, it isn't supposed to be that way.
  4. millor

    #1 priority issue needing to be fixed

    It really has nothing to do with your mouse. It has to do with the games actual coding for inerpreting your mouse movement. It doesn't simply go "The mouse was moved 1 inch left, based on current sensitivity settings, we'll turn the camera exactly this many degrees left." It goes "The mouse was moved 1 inch left, based on the current sensitivity settings, we'll turn the camera left an amount based on that movement, and also varying on how quick the mouse was moved" Because of this, you can no longer get an accurate response to the movements you are making, you get an added variable there that has no reason to be there, and it only causes unreliable controls. It's no longer you directly controlling the character 1:1, because the game is changing the measure of how much you moved just simply from the speed at which you did it, that's mouse acceleration, and that's bad. 1:1 raw input would be the game taking my mouse movement, translating 1 inch of mouse movement to a certain angle of turn, and how quick I did it, into how quick the turn was in game. It's not correct and does not make any sense, to take the speed at which I did it to affect not only the speed of turn in game, but also how much the turn was for. Measure should equal measure, speed should equal speed, speed should never interfere with the measure in shooters, and in the good ones, it doesn't. Edit: Just tested it, high DPI greatly exagerates the problem, yet the negative acceleration on the X-axis is still very noticeable. Edit 2: The fact that I even need to explain what mouse acceleration is, and to assure you that indeed there is a problem, really really hurts my soul. If you even knew the slightest thing about arma 2 you would know that the games negative mouse acceleration was rather well known, and well disliked by the community. I understand the argument that you don't want people doing instant 180's and firing, but there are far more reliable and reasonable ways to achieve that goal, like I said in my OP.
  5. millor

    #1 priority issue needing to be fixed

    I don't see how people don't notice it. I can't tell if it's because they just don't care, or because they don't know what exactly the problem is when they do encounter it, so they kind of just deal with it. Compare the way the aiming feels in this, to something like counter strike, or arma 3, where there is no acceleration/smoothing (or you can at least turn it off) the difference is night and day. Looking up and down in this game is ridiculously fast, and left to right, slow as hell with a bunch of negative acceleration. You look left quickly, and you actually turn very slowly, yet if you turn the mouse slowly, you turn quickly. It's not smooth, accurate movement. It doesn't correlate at all to the movement you are making with your mouse, and it's just pure chaos as far as accurate controls go. Perhaps part of the control problem has something to do with DPI, Maybe the game has trouble taking input from high DPI mice, but being 2014, not a lot of gamers still use 400 DPI mice. Even still, that isn't entirely the problem, the game still has unequel X and Y sensitivities (even when the sliders are equal in the options) and there's still horrendous negative acceleration on the X axis. Here's something else you can try, make circles with your mouse in the game, look at your crosshair, is it making circles? No, it's making ovals. That's a big indicator that something isn't right.
  6. Be careful on using SA to mean stand alone, because there's a dayZ mod for San Andreas as well (I know, it's gross) might lead to some confusion. I agree with everything though, especially the aiming dot, though I suppose if it's anything like the mod there will hopefully be a hardcore mode that turns stuff like that off at the very least. I would definately like to see being able to adjust the windage on sights, even if there was no actual wind affecting the bullets, but just for the maintenance of the gun. I think it would be really neat if scopes had to be actually shot and zeroed in manually every once in a while to make sure you were shooting straight, or at least once you first got it. There was some cabellas hunting game I played on the PS2 a long time ago and I remembered that every time you got a new gun, you had to take it to the range and manually adjust the windage and elevation until your shots actually landed on the crosshair. Then, as you went out hunting and were moving around with it, maybe bumping the scope or something, after a while, it would get slightly out of calibration and you would need to readjust it again. I think that would be another feature in the game that really adds to the realism, and maintenance you have to keep on yourself and your equipment that rocket seems to try and be going for.
  7. The mouse sensitivity. What is with all this terrible smoothing/acceleration, why can't we have a simple 1:1 raw input. This is seriously utter garbage and it concerns me that it's like this in even the earliest alpha release of the game. The dayZ stand alone probably now holds the distinction of having the worst mouse control I've ever had the displeasure of using in any game. I couldn't play for more than a few minutes before I just got absolutely sick of the mouse sensitivity and had to quit. No matter how you change it in the options, it feels clunky and awkward. Mouse sensitivity is such a basic feature for any game, and it seems like almost literally your number one priority when you first start working on the most basic gameplay, is that you would want to not be instantly appalled by just the way the view responds to your input. As many know, the sensitivity was bad in arma 2 and the mod as well, you could never truly get a completely linear sensitivity curve, even when you messed with sensitivity options in the games files. But it was never anywhere near this bad. How has such a major step back even occured here, arma's negative acceleration was a pretty big issue people had with the game. With Arma 3, it was finally fixed, to the relief and praise of many, it felt tremendously smoother to play. How the problem is now worse in the day Z standalone is beyond me. It feels like you got large amounts of positive acceleration on the Y-axis, and large amounts of negative acceleration on the X-axis, on top of the base sensitivities for the two axes being widely different from each other, when both sensitivity settings are equal to each other in the options. I seriously hope no one thinks this is some sort of feature, because it's a serious god damn problem that severely tarnishes the gameplay. This isn't some smaller issue that only affects one bit of gameplay like "why can't I open this can with my bayonet" this is a giant issue that blankets over the entire gameplay of the game, just walking around looking at stuff is unpleasant. Then you take into account a very large portion of the game involves using a gun and trying to hit your target, and all you can think is "THIS IS AWFUL". I would understand, and even support (given the new hostage taking feature of the standalone), a delay for your actual crosshair and weapon to get on target when you turn a lot quickly, to prevent people from doing instant 180's and gunning people down when they get held up from behind, but the actual mouse sensitivity should absolutely never be affected. Maybe they already understand how bad it is, and they're working on it, but I don't know, again, the fact that it's even here in the first place concerns me about their priorities. This isn't some niche feature, this is absolutely basic controls we're talking about here, they need to work properly. I question how hard it even is to give the game 1:1 raw input sensitivity, probably not very, and how much it would improve the game is probably far beyond even a month of game fixes and new features. TL;DR: Get the sensitivity options/settings that arma 3 uses, and make it a priority. P.S. Please also add numerical values on top of the sliders for sensitivty and FoV, it's very helpful to have a point of reference when changing them, and helps tremendously if you ever reinstall the game, or they get reverted to default in a patch or something.
  8. millor

    DayZ Bandit shenanigans!

    Here's some short videos of some banditing dickery with a couple of my friends I made a while back, some back story in the descriptions. They're kinda low quality because they were like the first videos I ever really put together, and before I had a second hard drive, so I couldn't record constantly and I missed a bunch of good stuff. I was going to use the IED's I got to bait people into them, and/or try to be friendly with people then yell "ALLAHU AKBAR" and blow myself and them up, but I never got around to it before I eventually took a break and played other games... Damn shame. Reinstalling today though so I can't wait to actually be able to record much more with my second hard drive.
  9. On US 312 Phoenix, at around 10:50 pm PST, their was a hacker, with definite invincibility, probably a map hack, a definite speed hack, and probably spawned in weapons. We were at Krutoy Cap, when a PBX comes roaring down the coast at literally up to 150+ miles per hour (I can guarantee it was faster than the 50 mph or what the top speed for the PBX is) and land at skalisty island, my friend snipes at the 2 guys inside as they begin to slow down, hitting the engine directly, it doesn't damage the engine, and it doesn't go through and hit the guy piloting the boat, which incidentally was the hacker (we could tell because he was the one with the ghilly suit, the other had civilian clothes) when they get out and begin running, my friend shoots at them and ends up killing the civilian clothed guy named "BOXER" The other guy turns around, stands out in the open basically, looks right at us and begins firing, he can't lead or aim worth crap, and I end up running to other cover spots and vantage points mostly just being bait while my friend unloads a good 10 shots at the guy standing still (while my friend is zeroed in perfectly) and bullets just go through him. After the hacker realizes he's an awful shot and he's not going to kill us from there, he hops into his PBX, roars back to the mainland, sprints up at bicycle speed on foot, walks right through my friends AS-50 rounds, and walks literally on top of one of my HE grenade launcher round explosions unphased. At that point we could 100% confirm he was hacking and that combat logging at this point is pretty reasonable. At least a person with hacker gear you can maybe think it was some guy who got lucky and stumbled upon a hackers camp or something, but this one guy was using hacks to be super fast and invincible.
  10. millor

    Add more destructive melee weapons.

    I find melee weapons the way they are pretty decent, not as bad as people say at least.... I actually find myself wanting to have my melee weapon over my primary a lot so I can kill zombies quietly. The only thing really stopping me though is how much you get crippled, so I think that's the biggest problem at the moment. Melee weapons while solo is kind of a bad idea, in case a bandit starts shooting at you at a long range. But when I play with my friend who can cover me, I find myself putting my weapon on the ground just to kill a zombie silently so we don't pull an entire town. The few zombies that I have killed (only like 4) died without me even taking a scratch though. I think people really underestimate the range on the melee weapons, and the fact that you can easily one hit them if you aim at the head. Certainly adding more features/weapons and refining melee combat needs to happen, but I expect that's already planned.
  11. millor

    New system for broken bones

    I think just for simplicity, zombies should knock you down more common than they break your limbs right now, so they continue being a threat, but don't force you to go to a hospital and stock up on as much morphine as possible. I think limb breaks should only be suffered from being shot, hit by a players melee weapon, or falling from a height. How the hell is a zombie supposed to break a bone with his bare hands anyways?
  12. I think it would add an amazing amount of strategy and depth, if there was more junk around the world. Like barrels, crates, wooden planks, steel girders and such, that you could just pick up and carry (not in your backpack or anything, but in your arms) and place it where you needed it for what ever situation. Loot should spawn in less predetermined places, I feel like I should actually search for stuff, and having to be creative in how I get to some places. Rather than just walking into a house and finding a bunch of stuff laying on the floor (which would still be possible, but much less common). I think it would be much more engaging if something like, the stairs to the second floor are destroyed, but if I searched a little harder I can find a ladder in a shed out back, and use that to climb into a second story window. Or something like, there's some food/ammo stashed on a roof or like a steel girder and you would need to stack boxes up to be able to reach them. What looks like just sheet metal leaning up against a building could actually be moved, and reveal a door to a room that couldn't be entered before. A wooden plank could be used to connect two roofs, or put over barbwire so you can cross over it. A system like this would make you feel like you're interacting with the world much more and it would make it feel much more alive. It would also allow for a barricading system that is much more accessible than having all the necessary tools like you need now.