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About Saben

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    On the Coast
  1. Well, for one thing, they said they wanted to get it out in december or early 2013, however it would be "ready when it is ready and not released before." Also, have you thought maybe they want to keep some things secret for shock value later down the road? Also, @Anubis, if you think these forums are bad have you seen the WoW forums? The Devs don't even post there anymore because of that community, its all CM's that have to go back and forth, who mostly only post in the "Hug a Worgen" threads. Also, this isn't "what the community wants" this is "what Rocket wants". The game isn't being made for us, it is being made because they want to make it, they want to do something they enjoy making something that will be fun for them. This is their vision, not ours. They are remaking parts of the map, I believe they are making every building enterable, they are working on hiding the loot to make it actually more of a search instead of a go inside look at the one spawn in the corner then move on. If they could fix the duping and hacking of the sniper rifles, they would be fine. Which, they are working on, by moving everything to the standalone servers instead of having it client based which lets you modify the scripts or whatever. I wouldn't know. And lets look at another Zombie game that released way too early trying to cash in on the zombie hype and the success that was DayZ. WarZ anyone? That is what happens when you release a game trying to cash in. This is not trying to cash in, it was never meant to cash in, it was something Rocket thought would be fun and a few million players thought it was amazing and decided to play and support it. It is Rockets vision, not ours, and it will be ready when it is ready. Edit:: They may also be withholding information because it is too early to tell if they will be able to add it in or if it will get canned.
  2. I am 18 years old, I have played on and off since the mod was released. Korukis is my skype. If you are going to be talking about all the drugs you do, all the girls (or guys) you've done, and yelling over writing everyone else in the group, I will not stick around long. Those are very big pet peeves of mine. Edit:: I recently blew away my computer and am in the process of redownloading everything, I should be able to play tomorrow or the day after.