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About Exolius

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  1. £ is British Pounds, € Is Euros, and $ is Dollars
  2. Exolius

    Spawn Killers

  3. Exolius

    destroy tents?

    I've hit them with cars, satchel charges, grenades, nothing destroyed them, they are the relentless enemies of mankind.
  4. This all happened at 7:00PM GMT on 28/07/2012. After watching some guys in an ATV and a UAZ, they drive off somewhere unknown, being cautious about leaving the area since they could be around, we see someone spawn in a Bus by the camp we were watching, so I decide to go for the kill, and nail it. The guys name was Matt(2) the admin of the server. About 5 mins later the UAZ comes along to where the bus and camp is, so they are obviously friends and have communication, they proceed to get out and check the body, setting up our shots my buddy unloads his M249 SAW for supressive fire and i start taking them out one by one with my AS50, a person in the UAZ disconnects and the UAZ bursts into flames. The last two people start running for their lives, my friend stops firing and i nail both of them in quick sucession. After admiring the shooting of both of us, I eat some meat and we proceed to change position, and to our surprise the server restarts once, we load back in to see the UAZ perfectly fine and all 3 bodies gone. Then the server goes down a few more times, so instead of trying to take down that UAZ again we call it quits. The UK115 server has been reported several times for admin abuse, the threads can be found here: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/36063-uk115-admin-kicking-abuse-npv-clan-11-people/page__hl__uk115 http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/29157-uk115-admin-abuse/page__hl__uk115 http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/26527-admin-abuse-on-uk115/page__hl__uk115 This server and the admins deserve to be blacklisted, they don't deserve to host a server if they can't take losing their vehicles and gear. The names of the people killed in order are: Matt(2) -(The admin) xXMadSupraXx Rotari Not Iceman Thanks for reading this wall of text. If you managed to.
  5. Exolius

    [Report] Spawned in Wilderness/Debug Forest/Endless Ocean

    I spawned in the debug mountains after logging back into the game after going to sleep. Player name: Exolius player ID: 16995846
  6. I found a server that kicks/bans players when they join it Proof: http://puu.sh/E4jI
  7. They do climb ladders
  8. Exolius

    How does the saving work??

    Your character is stored online, so it should work if you play in several places
  9. Exolius

    Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

    Dont forget this for getting the steam overlay with beta patches. http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=10370&highlight=steam+overlay
  10. I've been running MSI afterburner to monitor my FPS, GPU temps etc for ages, haven't been banned for it. IMO its stupid to ban for things like this, imagine you buy the game via Steam, start playing, only to get banned for having the steam overlay open. That's a wasted £15-£25
  11. Exolius

    2 Hackers on UK 87 server get pwned

    That clip doesn't prove a single thing, its so dark you can barely see whats going on until the shooting begins The M107 is a legit dayz weapon http://dayzwiki.com/wiki/index.php?title=M107 and so is the AS50 http://dayzwiki.com/wiki/index.php?title=BAF_AS50 Also I fail to see any evidence of the second "hacker" even being there let alone teleporting away, or evidence of said ammo box (you could at least have shown it in your "proof video". As for the "Popus Hoffan disconnected" that can be a random guy deciding to go to sleep. There were several people connecting and disconnecting in the video. You just sound really mad at the fact some wookies killed one of your guys a few times, 3.06 into your video, "they're fucking hackers and i'm going to fucking get them" where is the proof of the hacking, if they were hacking, they surely would have had much better gear, food, blood bags ect, instead of a sniper and some ammo, and a nice backpack.