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About anAveragePotato

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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    I'm just a recovering Bandit trying to change my way's
  1. I hope people are able to make mods/maps for the standalone simply because the fact that dayz is a Mod itself and look how amazing that turned out, maybe not right at release but eventually.... it could only lead to more good things.
  2. anAveragePotato


    Way to much effort :L just play like everyone else with mouse in right hand , its easier to use your left hand on the keys if your left handed I find :)
  3. anAveragePotato

    Being denied by EVERY server. Help please.

    Yeah that's why I would recommend dayz commander or sixlauncher (dayz commander is better though)
  4. anAveragePotato


    Yeah apparently so .... damn non conformist's.
  5. anAveragePotato

    Being denied by EVERY server. Help please.

    Did you launch arma 2 and operation arrowhead first before trying to play dayz? Also you should just try dayz commander for installing the mod and searching for game's much easier.
  6. anAveragePotato

    DayZ YouTube Group [Recruiting] [14+] !

    What time are you on teamspeak? in GMT
  7. anAveragePotato


    off topic I always type with my left hand as well mainly because my keyboard ain't too big. I'm really suprised how many left handed people there is :D
  8. anAveragePotato


    I'm a lefty and I play like any normal person with mouse in my right hand and keyboard under my left.... tbh I have never done it any other way or thought of it for that matter. Infact I can only imagine it's better using your good hand on key's instead of just clicking the mouse with it :)
  9. I seem to remember a person under the same name as op camping elektro killing fresh spawn's on my home server , If that's anything to go off I can't imagine that Rocket would have anything to worry about.
  10. anAveragePotato

    DayZ YouTube Group [Recruiting] [14+] !

    In-game name: anAveragePotato Age: 19 YouTube Channel: (in my sig) Why would I want to join: Why not? I'm already making dayz video's so might as well do it it in a group
  11. anAveragePotato

    Will Dayz standalone come to Mac

    Do we really need another mac vs PC discussion on the Internet? Ehhh no! If the standalone can run on macs all the better so more people can enjoy the game, infact I hope it does work on it. And guess what I play on a pc :o that wasn't so hard was it? So has anyone got dayz mod running on mac without boot camp? Just curious :)
  12. Snipers should not be removed simple as. The problem is not with the rifles it's the players using them. Also you do realise you can dismantle most guns making them much easier to fit in a bag and any person who is in anyway fit would be able to carry a rifle on there back aswel as in there hands.... And if your not you would have died way back at the start of the zombie apocalypse. Edit: I forgot to say that the .50 cals should definitely be nerfed, I know it's a big and powerful bullet and all but one shot to the hand or toe would still not be a kill with one! You'd be very f**ked up alright but not dead atleast not till the second bullet gets you.
  13. anAveragePotato

    What songs YOU think suit DayZ?

    This song for sure :P Bandit style.
  14. anAveragePotato


    Yes one thing you should not cheap out on is the cpu or graphics or any of it really, but mainly them. Also as Jimmy said an ssd would be a good investment for increasing boot times or for running games of the decrease loading times. I noticed you were looking to buy a whole pc but I would recommend considering building your own as it can be done cheaper and also you get a great feeling from doing it. There's lots of guides on the interwebs to help you out.
  15. anAveragePotato

    What settings do you play on?

    You know ts has an overlay so you can see who's in your channel and who's talking while in game?