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Posts posted by AttackBadger

  1. How is the time you've been alive calculated?

    I mean, when you join a server and it says something like "Chernarus - Stary Sobor - Day 3", how is that day three? Is that three full 24-hour periods I've been logged in as that character? Or just three sequential real-time days?

  2. Howdy, check us out at The BSB Network. We're a social gaming community that is dedicated to fair and fun gaming. We have many members supporting Day Z that team up in groups using our TS3 Server to communicate and coordinate their sessions.

    We're mostly adult gamers over the age of 20 (well over in most cases!) and have no age, time or skill requirements - all we ask is you play fair and have a bit of common sense about you! Our members are based all over the world and are on at all times of the day and night, but all speak English and most are based in and around the UK, the US and Mainland Europe. We've been gaming as a community since 2002, so we're not some ad-hoc fly by night clan!

    If you're interested check out or website @


    and hop on our TS3 server and say hi!

    I'll give it a looksie. Thanks~

  3. So hey. I'm looking to join up with a group of guys/gals. Preferably on a US server, and preferably a group that has some kind of base /access to vehicles. Hopefully someplace safe I can throw up a tent and keep my better gear at, and maybe a bicycle so I can do what I do best that much faster.

    I come to you kitted out, so you won't have to take me on babby's first stary/NWAF run or anything like that. Food, drinks, weapons and ammo, I'm ready to roll.

    My specialty, I guess you could say, is finding heli crash sites during the night, so I can provide map coords and overwatch on the site until a pickup team can arrive to scav it. I prefer to operate during the (server) night, at least until I can find a safe/defended place to pitch a tent and store my loots. After that I can run day/night as needed.

    I don't have any major problems with shooting other survivors if they shoot first or whatever, but prefer to avoid getting in all-out gunfights unless it's absolutely necessary. I will shoot first, though, if somebody is being an ass and sniping noobies in cherno/electro or something like that. That's just not nice, and they deserve every set of broken legs and respawns I can give them.

    ~Edit~ Oh yeah, I guess it's important to note that I do have a mic/teamspeak and I'm over 18.

  4. Try Pustoshka, i always go there if i need one and find one in either the church or supermarket in 2 of 3 tries.

    Oh and the tens you stumble uppon so easily are empty because your are probably not the first one who finds them if they are planted so obviously ...

    I'll give it a shot; I was gonna go to Stary anyway to get try and find some more DMR mags.

    It's in the area.

  5. Only problems with that are 1) I'm paranoid as crap, and 2) Most of the stuff people want to trade for are things I'm not willing to part with, really.

    It took me two days to loot a RF off a dead guy, and three days to find a GPS & M4A1 CCO SD. I guess I could part with my DMR though.

    ~EDIT~ I'll give it a shot though, I guess. Worst that could happen is I get beef'd and lose my gear. :/

  6. Is there some reason every time I pass through Cherno at night, somebody has come along and lit the oil barrels on fire?

    Some kind of half-baked sniper trap? Or just to see if somebody comes along and puts them out, so you know somebody is around? Seems to me anybody with a handful of functional brain cells would steer clear of anything that was lit up at night.

    Maybe that's why zombies like the fires?

    Also, why are unused tents so frickin' hard to find? It seems like you can't step out into the woods outside town without tripping over 10,000 tents people have set up (which are for some reason usually 99% empty ones, unless you're running up the west/north side of the map), yet I've spent three days looting ever cafe and supermarket I can find and I haven't found one yet.

  7. I have seen people banned on the Darwin List (global banned user list) because they picked up a weapon from a hackers body. They appealed because they didn't know, but Rocket has said if you take a hacked item, and you know it's hacked, you will be banned. Taking and using hacked weapons is against the rules, if you find an item with no description, or that you know doesn't belong in the game DON'T TOUCH IT. Ignorance only works for so long :P

    oh @AttackBadger hackers spawn weapons that are in Arma 2 but not DayZ, such as Rocket Launchers etc.

    Well, going back to my crashed chopper guys, within 30 seconds of me hearing the crash, they had another chopper in the air that set down near the cherno med tents, and then you could hear MG fire.

    I find it hard to believe that those 4 clan guys had two choppers plus heavy weapons and it being legit.

    Does that mean the stuff I looted off that dead guy was hacked? Probably, but I'ma ditch it anyhow since an AS-50 isn't much use to a solo survivor.

    But, on the other hand, there is a chance it was in fact legit gear.

    Which is kind of my point; there's no way for a player to be sure that what he's looting off a dead guy isn't something somebody spawned in somehow, or duped gear, if it's a gun that is in game. While you have to have that strong index of suspicion that maybe something just isn't quite right with it.

    So, IMO, it's dumb to say "If you pick up a hacked gun we're gonna ban you." Certainly, with the number of hackers DayzZ seems to have, it seems that unless you absolutely never pick up anything off a dead body ever, at some point you're going to come in contact with something that was generated illigitmately.

    I dunno, it just seems to me there ought to be a somewhat better way to handle things than that.

  8. It would seem pretty dumb to me to ban people for looting guns/gear that a hacker spanwed, as long as they are guns that are legititimately in game. ~Edit~ As far as looting dead bodies goes. Not if you were like, willingly associating with a hacker.

    I mean, if I come across a body near a crashed heli, and the guy has an AS-50, rangefinder, GPS, etc. who's to say that it's not legit? I mean, if the guy and his pals had enought time/gear to fix up a heli, maybe he really did find all that stuff.

    Chances are he didn't, but really for the looter there's no way to know for sure one way or the other. Just like M4A1 CCO SD's.

    Now, if he had like a AKS-74UN or a Mk.12, that's a whole different story entirely.
