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Posts posted by joeharper99

  1. Why not just hook up a HDD via SATA and record like that? There won't be any questions, simply plug and play. Or record, in this case. I would imagine that USB2 might cause an issue with transfer speeds depending on the quality you're recording. External SATA should be fine, but it still beggars the question why you'd not simply plug the HDD direct into your motherboard.

    This looks like you're wasting £27 to me.

    Due to my mobo design the gpu blocks two sata ports ! which leaves me 2 left , and one for my exisiting hdd and one for my optical drive!

    i could disconnect the driive but i don't want to keep taking my computer apart

  2. The issue I had with using an external HD is that the data isn't transferred quickly enough and that results in massive FPS drops and a poor recording, that's why a partition solved my issues. I'm not technically that knowledgable though so there's probably another way of sorting it out, maybe it's just that the external HD I was using sucked.

    Regarding RAM, I'm pretty sure you just plug it in and that's it. Don't take my word for it though, like I say, technical stuff isn't really my strong point I just bumble my way through and learn as I go.

    edit sorry above question

  3. The issue I had with using an external HD is that the data isn't transferred quickly enough and that results in massive FPS drops and a poor recording, that's why a partition solved my issues. I'm not technically that knowledgable though so there's probably another way of sorting it out, maybe it's just that the external HD I was using sucked.

    Haha im a retard at this stuff too , but oh well learn from mistakes.

    Ok so roughly an hour of day z footage on fraps what capacity would that take up? i've heard it doesnt compress the videos so theyre HUUUUUUGE!

    Theres also bandicam , virtualdub etc i could take a stab at

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  4. I don't often record but it did take me a while to figure out a good way of doing it without lowering my fps.

    I've got 6GB of RAM and a decent (ish) quad-core processor but when I was first trying to record using Fraps it was crippling my fps and making it a pointless exercise. I was told that recording to an external HD, separate from the one the game is installed on was the way to do it but it didn't work for me.

    What does work VERY well is recording to a partition on my main HD. I have the game installed on one partition and then record to another. Since I've been doing that I can record any gameplay I want and it barely affects the fps at all. It really has made my life easier and because of that I've been recording a lot more gameplay and making vids.

    Wont my main hd become clogged up very quickly though? I presume you're using fraps when doing this? I have been told dxtory is very good but i don't want to pay the money atm

  5. Right basically ,

    Gonna be bored over summer as i've finished uni , so was thinking might record and edit some videos etc..

    I have an intel i5 3470 @ 3.2ghz

    & 500GB Seagate ST500DM002 Barracuda SATA 6Gb/s, 7200rpm

    -- So cpu shouldnt be a problem , and i have like 4 spare HDD's which i will connect up

    -- Just wondering apart from fraps a good recording program (free is possible) and also what can compress the files so i can uinzip on winrar when i need them!!

    -- Probz just use windows movie maker to edit them ,, unless somebody has a good suggestion??

    my issue is though i only have 4gb of RAM and i have a feeling this wont be enough? am i correct? if i am i will buy another 4gb stick & do i literally just take my side of the pc and push it in the slot or is that too simple?

    thanks in advance!

  6. Everytime im on the lobby and click to recieve the data file i get kicked regardless what server

    any ideas what it could be?

    Never had this problem until i downloaded the latest dayZ commander update ( but worked for 2 days prior to this) , the only reason i can think off :/

  7. Just downloaded the microsoft software to use an xbox 360 controller to play far cry 3 ( day z forums are the most helpful , also may use for vehicles on day z)

    My controller is wired and it is saying its connected but when i go to play nothing happens!!

    I have all the right drivers(according to microsoft , however on the status tab there are no green segments lit up (indicating player 1 etc)

    has anyone else experienced this ? as this is the second pc i can't get it to work on.

    Also i've folled the microsoft troubleshooting(for what use it's worth) and done all the steps , but when i type run>joy.cpl ,, my controller tab is empty?

    any help appreciated
