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Kobra (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Kobra (DayZ)

  1. I agree with you totally, you dont understand how many ppl ive got to buy this game, at least 10, and they ask me the most annoying questions that are in the arma tutorial, if they dont do the tutorial why would they read the wiki on glitched shit, im not banned either.
  2. Kobra (DayZ)

    VEHICLE UPDATE (database side): 2012-06-16

    THANK you for fixing vehicles.
  3. Kobra (DayZ)

    Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

    Everyone complains about night being too dark but unfortunately anyone who has played a game before will just put their brightness and gamma up, I think you need to disable this, somehow, so that gamma doesnt effect the brightness of the night time that way lets say if some dude was throwing flares to see and anothre could see without them there wouldnt be a unbalanced gameplay
  4. I think its something that could and should be considered as a addition. Making a tree fort / tent in a treestand kind of thing would be really fun but I think they should make more houses enterable or at least fix permanent settle ments first. I also think they should start allowing towns to be captured which means zombies dont spawn in unlesss a outsider brings them with him.
  5. Kobra (DayZ)

    Small but deadly

    Just a few thoughts of mine, first off fixing vehicles resetting after being saved. 2nd maybe adding alcohol which would give you added benefits aswell as sideeffects like maybe addiction which would make you need pain killers. 3rd crossbow / arrow has been used by the most simplest of tribes since the beginning of time, they invented this thing called a quiver, yea.
  6. Kobra (DayZ)

    3rd Base in 1 week

    3 bases so far have been killed due to server resetting. Weve had 3 vans 2 motorcycles 2 offroaders and a gaz. All after a few hours of having them / server admins realizing cars gone, the server magically needs a reset which resets the cars aswell. well see if this base gets deleted too.
  7. Kobra (DayZ)

    3rd Base in 1 week

    not hoarded and not off map kthx thrgrr
  8. Kobra (DayZ)

    CROSSBOWS - Your opinion?

    I would use the crossbow and only the cross bow unfortunately there arent even quivers for them, 1 bolt is 1 slot thats rediculous!
  9. Kobra (DayZ)

    Melee Weapon Petition

    It doesnt matter what you think it would do to the game, the game is trying to be realistic you know what that means? melee! you cant not include melee in a zombie mod, with that being said, someone mentioned guns needs to be primary weapon still, and it will be vs players, where as melee would be vs zombies.
  10. Kobra (DayZ)

    3rd Base in 1 week

    When you put time and effort into someting only for it to be fucked over by the server side and not stolen then yea youll be pissed too, unfortunately for you you lack the knowledge of this thing called effort therefore you dont understand. Anyways it was not stolen, the server was inverted when we were putting the stuff away
  11. Kobra (DayZ)

    3rd Base in 1 week

    So you tell me why on every single server the devs choose to reset the cars after we goto sleep? I shouldnt have to wait a week for a vehicle that should never have dissapeared in the first place.
  12. Kobra (DayZ)

    3rd Base in 1 week

    Hey, to whoever said vehicles dont get deleted on reset, hahahaha thats funny bro. Ive had like 6 different cars, ive remembered where ive saved them all, remembered where I found them, server resets, cars are no where to be seen. My problem are the server admins who probably roll back 6-12 hrs to get their cars back. so yea dont tell me they are going to be there CUZ I know first hand thanks.
  13. Kobra (DayZ)

    Day Z Appreciation Thread

    dayz is a great mod, however if he doesnt listen to our critisism then the game wont really be that good because it will be a game in his vision as opposed to everyones collective going towards a great gaming experience.
  14. Hey, good question, me and my buddies are always moving bases etc because we lose vehicles due to server reset, so I personally wouldnt go out that far because lets face it, those cars wont be there for long to help you. so you wont go out to the tents much once you have lost the cars which makes that base unreachable. just my 2 cents but also if you are looking to team up with 3-6 moore trust worthy guys then add me on steam kushaholic
  15. Kobra (DayZ)

    Melee Weapon Petition

    How can you play this mod and think now having melee makes sense? I mean the only reason its not in the game is cuz of the system, which doesnt make it OK to NOT have melee, every single zombie movie game and story has zombies being cut the hell up by stuff, fix it please. you gave us a hatchet for wood give us a hatchet for zombies.
  16. Kobra (DayZ)

    How much would you pay?

    TOKENS like when you were at the movie theatre you would get 4 tokens for a dollar, well lets say 10$ for 4 lives? gaurantee there will be a end to random killings.
  17. Kobra (DayZ)

    Vehicle bugs

    ive fixed up countless cars, I think something you should work on making them save through reset, aswell as them blowing up from hitting those humvee wrecks with the wheel sticking out
  18. Kobra (DayZ)

    IF this was an actual game...

    id say monthy if you kept adding features, theres so many realistic features that need to be added detailed ones too such things tht are not found in most games. But paying for shit would BE A DISASTER this is a realism game right or is it apb? Also community development, this mod is popular because you took everyones ideas and put it into a game, as much as you might think its yours its not so you have to hear everyones input, you still did what no man has done before :D
  19. Kobra (DayZ)

    M4A1 CCO w/ SD Ammo

    gg exigo ignorant or arrogant id say 50/50
  20. Instead of having to fully fix it now why not just half ass it by cutting of some walking zombies arms / hands / elbows aswell as taking off 1 or both legs of crawling / crouching zombies?
  21. Kobra (DayZ)

    Humanity System - Rocket, have a minute?

    hey that was a good read for a bit but then i got a idea and stopped reading xD The red arm band is a dead give away why would bandits want this.. Well maybe because it got you into THE SECRET BANDIT CAMP WHERE ONLY BANDIT WEARING ARM BANDERS GET IN whoooo yea you know you want it edit: guns and prostitutes pls
  22. YES Not every home owner has access to a gun, make it random as to what weapons you get, makarov, 1911 or a empty whiskey bottle. Hey they get distracted right?
  23. NO Ive been shot in the back too many times to not kill others , fix the voice chat so that players can trust people again.
  24. Kobra (DayZ)

    Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

    Cant believe they fixed zombies hitting through walls! This is great, now they just have to make villages and buildings possible to be taken over as a home, with entrances and all. And fix the server resetting deleting vehicles(or the clan ppl that reset after they lose vehicles)
  25. Kobra (DayZ)

    Help near fabrik

    Need help near solnichey. anyone friendly with teamspeak / steam available? I got knocked out and when I came to I couldnt use my gun so i logged while bleeding and now I am freezing with hourglass