Had to make an account just because of the stupid this whole situation was. Me and a friend of mine had just finished relocating our base camp because of some idiots that set up a base 100m away from our base. Appearently they didn't realize we were their almost next door neighboors so we took everything they had and left. Just as we finished some 12 year old kid starts asking in side chat "any1 at nw??" Now, about an hour before this some other idiots asked the same thing and were dealt with via Darwins theory of natural selection, through the form of good ol' cold blooded murder. So me and my friend, now itching for a little action, decided to do some shooting so I grabbed new M40 and my buddy his M24 sniper rifle. By the time we had got to the airfield someone else had made contact with our idiot 12 year old telling him he was at the arifield and that he was hiding in the hangar next to the firehouse for fear of the bandits that had been killing people earlier. My friend and I had set up with eyes on the hangars area as well as the firehouse, he wasn't in there nor were there any zombies anywhere in that area. (Who the hell would hide in a hangar anyway?) So it was obvious this guy is simply looking to bait-kill the idiot 12 year old. We decided to try to be hero's in this drama and to wait it out for the idiot kid to show up and then kill this bait bandit before he could end the kid. For around an hour we watch as the bait bandit sizes up his meal by asking him a stretched out series of questions that teach us that the kidiot is not only on his own, but without transportation or even a map (All done through side-chat, mind you.) It eventually came to the point where this kidiot shared with the server that he was literally lost. At this point, after face-palming, I tell kidiot to look up DayzDB for the map, where apon he says "oh im almost ther!" to which bait bandit, out of the blue tells him "Hurry! I'm Dying!" Somehow this kid STILL doesn't realize he's being baited and replies "OK!"....Only to get lost again about 10 minutes later. By this point the bandits give up and start shooting some zombies in the checkpoint/second barracks compound. My friend and I didn't have good eyes on that area so we work out a route to safely get us set to fire when the kidiot says "im at nw" so then the bait bandit ran through the middle of the airfield for what seemed to be the firehouse and right into my friends scope. My friend had zero intention of letting his chance escape him after waiting so long, so he popped the guy in the head killing him in one shot. As soon as he spawned back in the bandit raged at the kid through text claiming the kidiot killed him, me and my friend laughed hard at this and kept our mouthes shut, but this is where I realized just how stupid this kid was, a stupidity that costed him his own life. Rather than realize that this guy was killed by a bandit that was overwatching NW he decided to run straight for the hangars and loot them, getting a trail of zombies right on himself. Now, originally I wanted to save the kid just to be cool like that, but when this kid ran through the hangars, within clear sight of the bandits he should have known were there I decided he deserved to be wiped out simply for his pure incompetence, plus I figured the bait-bandit would quit his bitching about the kid. So when the kid sat down to loot some ammo in one of the hangars I lined up my dots to what I thought would hit and fired. The shot went just above his head saving him by inches, but his reaction was the ultimate stupidity that killed him. My friend and I watched as he jumped back behind that slight amount of hangar door that sticks out which just barely covered him and then, in his panic, began shooting the trail of zombies that had followed him in...with his Lee Enfield...we watched as he killed two of them and was eaten alive in the corner of that hangar by the horde of zombies that ran in right after his first shot. The bandit immediantly replied "Kidiot! My buddy!" TL:DR: Don't tell people where you are/going to on side chat or you will die.