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Everything posted by ThOmAs_McCoOy

  1. Erased sorry cant figure out how to cancel the post.
  2. Hi everyone, My clan is looking to start a new group for young (in)experienced dutch players. We are the HOW clan (Hounds of War). At the moment we play Dayz Origins on the PCGN Server ( ) Of course English people are also allowed to team up with us ;) If you're interested add me on steam: Soldier (profile has a pic of a skeleton with playing cards in the hand) Requirements: Age 16- Needs Team speak (will be given after adding me on steam) Stay active a lott Needs to be able to talk dutch and English Have a little experience anyway i hope i will hear from you soon, Much regards. For more info our webside: http://www.aog-community.com/forum
  3. thnx i will move it :)
  4. The 102nd is looking more players. We have a decent size group right now that is about 7-10 people. Some of our players are in Europe and some are U.S. We are looking for more dedicated players (not players who come around for a week then never come back) that will continue to play and want to work as a team. We take normal runs to salvation when we have people on and we also have a very large base and will help get you started as well. We would prefer you to be at least 18 older and you must have Team Speak with a working microphone, having some experience in the game would be nice, at least a few months. We are all about working as a team and helping each other as much as possible. If your looking for a group that is very team based and easy going but serious when it comes to team based missions or PVP situation's then you will fit right in. You can contact me through here or you can add me on steam and we can talk more. (New)-ThOmAs_McCoOy Thanks, Hope To Hear From Everyone
  5. ThOmAs_McCoOy

    102ND Is Looking For More Active Trustworthy Members

    No problem I sent you a personal message through here.
  6. ThOmAs_McCoOy

    102ND Is Looking For More Active Trustworthy Members

    Hey great to hear from you. I would like to talk with you more on steam or TS. Just add me on steam (New)-ThOmAs_McCoOy then I will give you the TS information through there and we play on server Hope to hear from you
  7. Hi everyone, The 102ND is recruiting and we are looking for experienced players. We have up to 12 members and we need more! We are a multinational Team so there will be players on 24/7. We are a mix between hero's and bandits, if you join us we will have enough to fix you up with a house ;) Please let me know if you're interested. My steam: jaithe2e (send me a message) Requirements: 18+ mature attitude Teamspeak: nl6.ts3.instantvchat.com:11337 Microphone Must speak fluent english must be active (If your not so active or you play certain days let us know) Rules: No Clan Killing No stealing No drama (If there is a problem between you and any other member Inform the Clan leaders)
  8. ThOmAs_McCoOy

    Anyone want to team up [- ENGLISH UK -] TS3

    hey man if you're intersted in joinng our clan you are welcome. we have 12 memebers active and play on a day Z origin server. We are a mix of bandit and heroes and allways in need of more members. Join our TS After that we will chat and play a bitt. look for The feared in the Day z origin lobby hope hearing fro you soon peace
  9. ThOmAs_McCoOy

    Needing a Bandit group!

    hey man if you're intersted you may join our clan. TeamSpeak: nl6.ts3.instantvchat.com:11337 Day Z Origin server: We are a big group who like's to day all kinds of crazy shit :P if you're intersted let me know!
  10. ThOmAs_McCoOy

    Dayz Clan

    hey man i have a group you might want to join. we are the 102ND clan and have 12 members in our mits. If you're interested join our Team Speak: nl6.ts3.instantvchat.com:11337 Look for "The Feared" in day z origin lobby First we will have a little chat and play a bitt, then we will decide if you're worth it :3 hope hearing from you soon
  11. ThOmAs_McCoOy

    Looking for an origins clan

    hey gravy monster how're doing mate? I also play on the same server with a team of 7 memebers and i am looking for more. Normally we dont recruit in-game but i think that wont be a problem. If you're interested add me on steam: Jaithe2e You will also need TeamSpeak and a mic. When you're all ready go to this Teamspeak server: nl6.ts3.instantvchat.com:11337 I am called The feared. When joined the TS we can chat and play a bitt.. see how it goes ;)
  12. Hey Everyone, Are group In dayz was pretty large for quite some time, the origins server we were playing on got a database wipe and everyone was pretty pissed about that (everyone spilt after the database wipe done by the admin of the server we were playing on, he was not the best admin). We all had houses (some of us lvl 2)and we had a huge base with battle bus walls and anything you could think of, with taking daily runs to salvation, we had about 10 guys on average each day playing. We have currently moved to another server (what is left of the group), a server with a good admin and nothing to worry about as far as data base wipes go. We already have a basic base up and a few houses and garages. If you wish to join are group (which I hope you do), you must be 18 or older, have TeamSpeak with a working microphone, be trust worthy and reliable (don't stab us in the back a week later or play for a day then never come back), and at least have 2 months of game experience (not saying we wont accept new people, but you cannot not be a complete noobie). Are group is all about having fun and being able to have a big enough group to where we can do anything we want to, like for fun just go kill players in a city for hours, go to salvation and kill everything or work on our base. I hope to hear from everyone and don't worry once you join our server after we talk with you, we will get you fixed up. Thanks, Thomas_Mccooy
  13. ThOmAs_McCoOy

    102ND Is looking For More People

    still trying very hard >.< i promised my friends! I wont give up.... NEVER!!!! <_<
  14. ThOmAs_McCoOy

    102ND Is looking For More People

    I hope that's enough info ^^ now just wait and see... :rolleyes:
  15. ThOmAs_McCoOy

    102ND Is looking For More People

    hey everyone, i am happy to read all those reply's to the topic :D very funny. Just as a response to everyone.. yes we are very perverted in any way imaginable and yes we are sexist because we normally only recruit male players. And yes it is very understandable some woman might not want to join just because of this very topic considering female players XD Our group In dayz was pretty large for quite some time, the origins server we were playing on got a database wipe and everyone was pretty pissed about that (everyone spilt after the database wipe done by the admin of the server we were playing on, he was not the best admin). We all had houses (some of us lvl 2) and we had a huge base with battle bus walls and anything you could think of, with taking daily runs to salvation, we had about 10 guys on average each day playing. We have currently moved to another server (what is left of the group), a server with a good admin and nothing to worry about as far as data base wipes go. We already have a basic base up and a few houses and garages. If you wish to join are group (which I hope you do), you must be 18 or older, have TeamSpeak with a working microphone, be trust worthy and reliable. Our group is all about having fun and being able to have a big enough group to where we can do anything we want to, like for fun just go kill players in a city for hours, go to salvation or work on our base. I hope to hear from everyone and don't worry once you join our server after we talk with you, we will get you fixed up. I am being dead serious about adding new lady's to our group. so please reply if you're interested and we can talk more. ;) Been playing far to long with just guys and it would be interesting having a different gaming experience by adding some female's I will also add out Team Speak server: nl6.ts3.instantvchat.com:11337
  16. ThOmAs_McCoOy

    102ND Is looking For More People

    Hey everyone, Me and my team (102ND) are looking for some new fresh female players who would like to join us on the day Z origin server (PCGN) <<<< IP adress. We are a mix between bandits/hero's who are in desperate search for some female players that would like to join us and rule the world ^.^ anyway if you're interested add me on steam and we can chat a bitt. We have Teamspeak with our own gaming community. much love, hope hearing from you soon. STEAM: jaithe2e *warning: we are all male's
  17. Hey Everyone, Are group In dayz was pretty large for quite some time, the origins server we were playing on got a database wipe and everyone was pretty pissed about that (everyone spilt after the database wipe done by the admin of the server we were playing on, he was not the best admin). We all had houses (some of us lvl 2)and we had a huge base with battle bus walls and anything you could think of, with taking daily runs to salvation, we had about 10 guys on average each day playing. We have currently moved to another server (what is left of the group), a server with a good admin and nothing to worry about as far as data base wipes go. We already have a basic base up and a few houses and garages. If you wish to join are group (which I hope you do), you must be 18 or older, have TeamSpeak with a working microphone, be trust worthy and reliable (don't stab us in the back a week later or play for a day then never come back), and at least have 2 months of game experience (not saying we wont accept new people, but you cannot not be a complete noobie). Are group is all about having fun and being able to have a big enough group to where we can do anything we want to, like for fun just go kill players in a city for hours, go to salvation and kill everything or work on our base. I hope to hear from everyone and don't worry once you join our server after we talk with you, we will get you fixed up. Thanks, Thomas_Mccooy
  18. ThOmAs_McCoOy

    Looking for an EU clan / buddies

    Hey man i read you're post and was hoping if you would want to join our clan The 102ND. We hade 13 members in the Day z lobby but lost 6 of them due a server crash, and now we have 7 players left. Thats why i am looking for new players. *we speak english perfectly *We have a base set up on a mountain *More weapons then you can imagine, that we like to share :) *we are nice guys! *prefere team based tactics If you're interested this is our TS nl6.ts3.instantvchat.com:11337 wil have a talk first and see what kind of person you are :) much regards,
  19. ThOmAs_McCoOy

    Looking for DayZ clan

    Hello guys I am looking for about 3 mature players to have a small group with. I posted a thread earlier, their is many more details there about what I am looking for. Thanks hope to hear from you guys