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About MrKillaJustin

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. MrKillaJustin

    Hi im new.

    I Did read the FAQ. Before even regestering.
  2. MrKillaJustin

    Hi im new.

  3. MrKillaJustin

    Hi im new.

  4. MrKillaJustin

    Hi im new.

  5. MrKillaJustin

    Hi im new.

    Thank you looks like ill be spending 30$ because it so funny how a mod is so freaking sweet with horror game/zombie but professional developers cant create a game like this online. Anyway thanks for telling me
  6. MrKillaJustin

    Hi im new.

    Lay Off. Saw one of these guys on youtube playing it and it seemed cool. Found some information. Im new. I dont know these things. U were probly the same thing so dont give me any problems. Im just asking if there is. If there is a cracked version for a game hundreds of thousands of people play there is bound to be one for this Russian developed game or whatever.
  7. MrKillaJustin

    Hi im new.

  8. MrKillaJustin

    Hi im new.

    Im new. I Would LOVE to play this game i saw on Youtube. I Head u need Arma 2 and Operation Something. I Downloaded Arma 2 free. Is that fine? and is there a way i can play this mod for free?