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About towhook

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. Sorry for me being mad. Maybe the new anti-cheater thing will get them.
  2. Just lost AS50 now. This is bullshit, they're like 300 meters shooting us, i hided behind a big rock, proned, and they killed me. No one shoting on the flankes. Also, what softkitty said, we're always pressing P 2 look who is inside the server. Saw wowbandy log-in, 10 segonds later someone start shoting at us, killed us 3. Shoting us with M240 i think, tracers bullets, red tracers behind the bullets. This is legit? Just choppers got this weapon, the M249 saw or MK 48 MOD don't got tracers as far I know. Also: 23:58 - a^ towhook: did you saw them? 23:58 - a^ towhook: i think they was invisible 23:59 - careysmith901: no i didnt see any of them 23:59 - careysmith901: was 4 atleast 23:59 - careysmith901: i think I saw the bullet coming, i shot on the place where the bullets was coming, but there was no one there. Like a ghost. Also: http://www.gametrack... Minutes played: 14 this is bullshit.
  3. dammit, hackers killed us. Drunk, sorry, but im done. 23:52 - a^ towhook: man 23:52 - a^ towhook: why stop the car 23:53 - a^ towhook: holy shit 23:53 - a^ towhook: who killed us? 23:53 - careysmith901: wowbandy and adolf shitler 23:53 - careysmith901: and a few with him
  4. wtf, wowbandy and adolf shiter still playing on the server. Drunk... :(
  5. Holy shit, 300zx twin turbo? Bro, i want see some pics of this. I'm a big fan of cars too.
  6. Found a jet crashed near the NW airfield, at the east from the NE airfield. Check the logs plox
  7. LOL, everything was gone on the last restart. 3uaz, yellow car, 1 bike, 1 cicle. WTF.
  8. Thanks, This VON think i thought it would remove all channels sound. Thanks for the help. Sorry, i was mad when i said i was done with the server. Thanks for rolling back. Did you found who are the hackers killing everyone? Thanks.
  9. Cool. Restart in 30 minutes. Now i cant recovery my stuff...
  10. Someone killed EVERYONE just RIGHT now. At this time. Fuck man, im done with this server. Bye.
  11. Drunks, i think its time to remove the side chat. Theres a way to remove only the side chat mic? I think the text chat is ok, but the voice is kinda bad. I cant stop to mute 40 people.
  12. 00:59 - careysmith901: did you get the other guy? 01:00 - careysmith901: wowbandy is in here 01:01 - careysmith901: thats one of the kids that know our camp 01:01 - careysmith901: im in three vally 01:09 - careysmith901: you guys headed back to camp? 01:13 - a^ towhook: yeah 01:13 - a^ towhook: man 01:13 - a^ towhook: someone was shoting us 01:14 - a^ towhook: when we finished looting and hidding the bodies 01:14 - a^ towhook: we keep the north direction 01:14 - a^ towhook: someone behind us, where you'all get killed 01:14 - a^ towhook: was shoting at me and yankee 01:15 - a^ towhook: tell yankee to add me at steam 01:15 - careysmith901: you found all three bodies of those guys right? 01:15 - a^ towhook: yea 01:15 - a^ towhook: ghillie 01:15 - a^ towhook: 2 comon 01:15 - a^ towhook: and you 01:15 - a^ towhook: a guy with m14 01:15 - a^ towhook: a guy with L85 01:15 - a^ towhook: and the ghillie guy 01:15 - a^ towhook: and you 01:15 - a^ towhook: right? 01:16 - careysmith901: yeah 01:16 - a^ towhook: so i think that was 1 or 2 more 01:16 - a^ towhook: that come later 01:16 - a^ towhook: HEY 01:16 - a^ towhook: 3 guys 01:16 - a^ towhook: the same as before 01:16 - a^ towhook: the 3 guys who destroyed our camp 01:16 - careysmith901: yes they are here 01:17 - careysmith901: i said that 01:17 - careysmith901: wowbandy 01:17 - careysmith901: and the others 01:17 - a^ towhook: i killed wowbandy ? 01:17 - a^ towhook: or you? 01:17 - careysmith901: yes 01:17 - a^ towhook: you know, he always go where we are 01:17 - a^ towhook: this fucking bastards hacking. 01:18 - a^ towhook: hi 01:18 - a^ towhook: what happened? 01:18 - a^ towhook: you saw? 01:18 - yankee3616: what u mean? 01:18 - a^ towhook: who was shoting at us 01:18 - a^ towhook: when we are heading to the camp 01:18 - yankee3616: i dunno 01:18 - a^ towhook: its 1 guy? 01:19 - yankee3616: he was getting close to me 01:19 - yankee3616: i think so 01:19 - a^ towhook: yea 01:19 - a^ towhook: wtf 01:19 - a^ towhook: i dont get it 01:19 - a^ towhook: he stop to try to shot 01:19 - a^ towhook: and run faster then us 01:19 - a^ towhook: scripter or something 01:19 - yankee3616: probably ...
  13. Ok, if me going into the air and dying its not hack stuff, then :(
  14. 22:35 - careysmith901: they hacked the chopper in for sure 22:35 - a^ towhook: why? 22:35 - careysmith901: all red need repair from the outside 22:35 - a^ towhook: ye 22:35 - a^ towhook: and working 22:35 - careysmith901: all green inside Carey = mail box. Drunk, ban these guys: Wowbandy and Brando and adolf shitler
  15. They got chopper, wtf a guy with 3 hours got a chopper. Also, i killed 2 of 3 of them. I respawned right near adolf shitler, and he got trowed into the air and killed. The same happened to me after. Sure its one of they friends... I got killed, same as adolf shitler.