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U.B.C.S. Hops

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Everything posted by U.B.C.S. Hops

  1. U.B.C.S. Hops

    ATV at Black Lake?

    I've heard and read about there being a ATV at Black Lake. But I have yet been able to figure out where exactly. Can anyone help me? Where exactly is the ATV at Black Lake? Thanks.
  2. U.B.C.S. Hops

    Do dead players turn into zombies?

    Bandits aren't a "Problem" of the game. They are part of it, they aren't like server hoppers or DC'ers. They are part of the challenge of the game. Not something that needs to be patched or taken out.
  3. Just happened in Seattle 10, damnit. Lost my M249 SAW and Coyote backpack. Fucking hackers. YOU ARE GOING KILL THIS GAME.
  4. U.B.C.S. Hops

    Not sure if I can play a bandit!

    You just do it. I get past it by thinking about how nice their loot will be in my nice little camo tent. Haha :D
  5. Looking forward to this happening. Thanks to Ravin for showing me this. Haha
  6. U.B.C.S. Hops

    2 Guys, 1 Bike, 1 Secret Camp

    Nice story, lucky bastard. :)
  7. U.B.C.S. Hops

    Survivor Hunting Tip #4: Mercy Killing

    This is not how real bandits operate. This is shameful.
  8. U.B.C.S. Hops

    Freeside Trading Co.

    I like the idea of this. U.B.C.S. might need to do some trading some time. If we do, we'll definitely come to you guys. I hope this goes somewhere.
  9. U.B.C.S. Hops

    U.B.C.S. Story. All Good Things Do Not Last.

    Oh! And yes, I died.... Again.
  10. U.B.C.S. Hops

    U.B.C.S. Story. Never Get Comfortable

    It was a adrenaline rush like I have never had before. Outnumbered 6-3 and we had only one casualty. Good day. Oh yeah, and we still are low on food Rav. ;)