Sloviki A New DayZ Map Hello everybody, my name is Jack and im here today to talk about a map I am thinking about creating called Sloviki, based of the Bystrica map for the ArmA 2 Expansion Pack, Army Of The Czech Republic. The map will most likely be much smaller than the Cherno map, I don't really know how much smaller but maybe a little bit bigger than Utes! I plan for this to be an Island map, with a few smaller Islands of the shores of Sloviki, and I also plan for it to be a thick, lushes jungle typed island, full of new exotic trees, cool backdrops and a massive mountain/volcano in the center. Here are a few screenshots of what im talking about, these were taken on the Bystrica map but that's kind of what I'm going of at the moment! So back to the matter at hand, I'm going to need a heck of allot of support if im going to get this all done as I don't have all the time in the world! So if you would actually like to see this get done please leave a comment and what you think of it, also please keep an eye on the official Flickr page for more screen shots and keep looking on my profile for updates! Also if you have any questions be sure to email them to me at and don't forget you can always contact me through steam! Thanks for reading, Jack :lol: Flickr Page : Steam :