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About Markedgun

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    Somewhere on a beach.
  1. Markedgun

    GDC Online Awards

    DayZ? Who would vote for such a thing as DayZ? Well if you excuse me I shall go vote for my other zombie game, Daisy, it has bandits, heros, zombies, and is a mod for the game Karma II! Surely I am not confusing the two games!
  2. Markedgun

    is it a hacker?

    Swimming doesn't drop gear anymore (Mostly).
  3. Markedgun

    UAZ fail & win !

    Not that color I believe, unless the UNO (Arma 2 faction) UAZ spawns in DayZ. I have always thought it was just the Russian/CDF UAZ
  4. This is a horrible bug that a few players (Including me) are plagued with, no explanation or solution sadly.
  5. Markedgun

    UAZ fail & win !

    Sad thing is that it will be gone next server restart, considering the fact that it is hacked... Nice job though, much better luck that I usually have since I never see one.
  6. Markedgun

    2xChopper please.

    A:2 helicopters flying around is horrible desync if I am correct. B:Hackers are hacker, DEAL WITH IT! Don't get attached to anything valuable, because our first helicopter ended up getting blown up by a hacker while trying to pick up the rest of our group.
  7. Markedgun

    AS50 TWS (hacker found dead)

    You CAN get banned for having an illegal weapon, such as the one you have described. You sir may be confusing a rule that if you pick up a legit weapon (Say a winchester or lee enfield or something like that) that is hacked in you will not get banned.
  8. Markedgun

    Evidence [Map]

    Well the first thing that seemed not legit is that SUV you see there! Now about that map thing you got, yes it is hackers, though I would like to know who the fuck hacks in a completely useless item. It is an item from vanilla Arma 2 that is basically just there for a mission.
  9. Markedgun

    AS50 TWS (hacker found dead)

    I am going to answer this like many other threads that ask this, do NOT pick it up, this may result in the ban of your CD key. Best thing to do is attempt to dispose of the body or just leave it.
  10. Markedgun

    Can zombies destroy cars?

    I myself can answer with this, they can attack cars, I can not tell anything more because the only real experience with cars and zombies is a small blue van that exploded after 30 zombies attacked it.
  11. It is NOT allowed to used hacked weapons sir! You may be confusing this with the rule that you can use legit weapons that are hacked in.
  12. You didn't seem to read my post carefully or don't notice some things, I said that SOME people have it working, SOME don't. One of my friends said that certain graphical setting affect if it works or not. Also you said in your initial post that "the devs are getting nothing done!" but he released a hotfix that seems to have worked for a number of people.Also I was just confirming that it was bodies, I was completely aware that you also mentioned barbed wire. I did read the list, you posted that Alpha is where developers fix bugs, when really it is for adding features and building the game and such, Beta is where the developers polish the game, make a few small changes here and there, and then finish off the product by a release.
  13. A)The bug is not barbed wire, it is those soldier bodies you see lying on the ground. -_- B)He attempted to fix them, some people got it working, some didn't I myself seem to have improvements with it, so if you can't see, HE IS WORKING ON IT! C)This is an alpha, where the developer focuses on adding/removing/changing features in the game, and testing this on testers like us.
  14. No. Hacked vehicles are safe to drive, but don't go around killing people or something like that. I would much rather destroy it in some way. NOW if there is a hacked gun inside of it I would just drive it into the ocean, and avoid the gun like the plague. @iamblazelflack You CAN get banned for carrying a illegal weapon, say like a golden AK or RPG.
  15. Markedgun

    Zombie free maps

    DayZ is all about the infection! I mean, last night, my team and I were attempting to snatch a truck from a clan on the coast. I was by myself in Elecktro and 2 others in Cherno, and the truck kept driving in between. Well I was sneakin' up on this truck while it was stopped, I took aim with my Lee Enfield and boom a zombie attacks me from behind. I call that some realistic action!