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About -eleminatrix-

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  1. -eleminatrix-

    Dayz Origins not updating.

    This is happening to me and im not about to download it from their site because it would take forever. Origins is the best dayz mod and i want to play it nao! Its pissing me off.
  2. yeah dude ive been playing a little on the fogeyz server lately, i really like it. i killed 2 people the other day in a barn for a m14, DMR, bizon, and m249 lol so i fit into the bandits :P i really like the server btw, lots of helis to kill.
  3. -eleminatrix-

    looking for group of people or just good team mate

    RTribesman you sent that to me while i was passed out lol, i will message you soon, and Bishon, i appreciate the offer but i saw a thread about your group and tried to join the server but my game crashed every time i tried to join it. it was only with that one server tho
  4. I have been playing dayz for a long time now and i get tired of playing with kids that suck at the game. Im looking for a group of people that are serious about playing, or just a good person to play with. someone that is reliable and also can kill and know their way around the map. I mostly need a player that can stay calm when a firefight breaks out and help me kill them. i have mumble, skype, and teamspeak if needed. comment if interested.
  5. -eleminatrix-

    Mountain Marksmen are recruiting!

    hey dude i fit the description. ive been looking for a good group of people to play with lately.
  6. -eleminatrix-

    Looking for a committed partner to Survive with!

    hey dude i can fill that spot, im serious about dayz and im surely not new to the game. i also have skype. it is meat-rocketeer51
  7. Age:17 Country:USA Skype (can PM me):meat-rocketeer51 Have you played with other clans?:yes, one. Can you work as a squad leader or other leadership position?:yes, if it leads to that. How long have you played DayZ?:i got it a week after it was released. What is your preferred role? (medic, spotter, assault, sniper...etc.):whatever one that will be in the action. List special qualities that you have within the game (at least one): -know my way around most of the maps -good navigator -pretty good shot, and good in a team firefight -ive done about all you can do in the game at least once -listen to orders well -im a bandit to those that are not in my group -i play dayz a lot, and for long periods of time -enjoy playing with a group of friends. If one of our own was betrayed, how would you react?:If i knew where his killer was, i would find him and get revenge, then pick up my dead allies junk and meet up with him.
  8. -eleminatrix-

    Need a Partner

    I need a partner and i meet all of the requirements, ive played dayz since the first week so im not retarded.i have skype, just tell me if you wanna play together.
  9. -eleminatrix- & Millitary Offroads

    thank you, you have my beans lol
  10. -eleminatrix- & Millitary Offroads

    cool, so they are in this version?
  11. * [NEW] BAF_Offroad_D Now Unbanned. * [NEW] BAF_Offroad_W Now Added. does this mean that millitary offroads are back? anyone know?
  12. i just want to know how i can see my global ban ID because without that I dont even have a chance of sending a ban appeal to battleye. me and my friend were on the coast getting gear. The whole time i would have to stop and wait for him because he was having problems with battleye kicking him with a failed to update battleye message. While waiting for him to get in game I received a Global Ban. Note that all of this happened within ten minutes of battleye updating.
  13. Alright i know you arent supposed to post about this, but after getting sniped for some alright gear i got a global ban around fifteen minutes after that. i would just like to play and get gear but no, i get a random global ban.
  14. Does the Military Offroad spawn in version Can anyone give me any info on what happened to them? or even if they have seen one spawn in this version?