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Everything posted by dskpnk

  1. dskpnk

    Disconnecting to avoid death

    Just let the player IG for 100s when disconecting like some other games do (ex : fonline mmorpg mod for fallout 2)
  2. dskpnk

    About the map wide chat system

    totaly agree, only direct chat should be usable, no more dead guys trelling all the server where are hidden a group of pkers !
  3. Dev just have to make an anti-alt f4 feature, when u disconect ur caracter from the game, this one stay something like 100s in game before to disapear !
  4. dskpnk

    MERGED: Armor and protection

    Absolutely, bandit skin broke the aproach ameplay, most of the player shoot bandit on sight, and i got the skin by defending myself !
  5. Hello survivors I played today and make a rly hard work to repair a car, i hide my car very well and i think it's impossible that soeone stole it, so i am wondering, when ur character die, his vehicule dispear ? Does it do the same thing for tents ? If yes is it a bug or is it normal ? For me the best thing to do is to not delete cars or tents if someone die, it will allow to create your campment with friends (and enventualy get raped when offline but...). Furthermore tent should be permanent on every server to allow transaction of stuff, and vehicules too why not but idk if it's possible ! tent only rapable if the player is connected to the server (with not a lot of slots) cars fully rapable even if players not connected ? So thx for the work i rly like this game ! Even if my car disapear with all my loot ! Die => restuff to ur tent/car => scavenge ! I hope that the devs whants to do !