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Everything posted by brawn

  1. brawn

    DayZ SA - Which headset do you use ?

    Logitech G930 Wireless for me as well
  2. brawn

    dayz surpassed in population

    The stats for Peak Players and Hours Played weigh heavily in DayZ's favour compared to Rust though. Those DotA numbers are crazy
  3. brawn

    Do you agree with modding in SA?

    My vote goes for modding in SA. Sure there were a fair number of negatives when it came to modding in DayZ mod, but there were some good things too, such as a lot of the features mods added over time. I like the idea of giving players the choice. If they prefer the DayZ experience as designed by Rocket and co then they will have the regular SA and those that want a different flavour of DayZ would have the various mods for it. I would think most players would like mods in SA even if they only consisted of adding other maps.
  4. brawn

    Finding a Mosin

    I saw one today in Rog at the top floor of the center tower but it had spawned under the floor so I couldn't loot it. Rather annoying since I had found 2 different sight attachments for a Mosin,but thats how it goes lol
  5. brawn

    Anyone else enjoying the game so far?

    Only played for a couple hours yesterday but I had fun. It was familiar yet at the same time it wasn't. I'm looking forward to playing some more once my friends decide to pick it up.
  6. brawn

    Anyone know what rope is used for?

    In one of his streams I thought Dean mentioned that you could combine rope with a burlap sack to create a makeshift backpack. Not sure if that's the case or not as I haven't tried it myself.
  7. brawn

    Guns spawns?

    Can't say for sure but I think I also ran into that little military area in Zelenogorsk tonight when I was playing and found a really large backpack and some cargo pants in one of the barracks. Then went into the military office/dorm and found an M4 with some attachments on it and some ammo for it. After spending the previous hour running around and eventually dying after finding nothing but a single rotten orange, this was a nice change lol.
  8. brawn

    Leave mod after SA

    I will still stick around and play the mod from time to time. It's nice having the option to play on a map besides Chernarus so until there are other maps available in SA, the mod/mods will still have a place on my hdd.
  9. brawn

    Poll: Actually playing DayZ

    I normally play some form of DayZ about once a week,or once every couple of weeks depending on whether my friends want to play or not. I still enjoy it, there are just too many other games that take up my time during the week.
  10. brawn

    Dayz on Consol

    With consoles being x86 platforms now it really shouldn't take them too long to port them over to ps4/x1. I would think most of the issues would be to do with controls and networking (psn/xbl junk). Granted the new generation of consoles are still below the specs of today's top end pc's, but I think the specs are probably at least on par if not better than what the average gamer is using right now. Obviously I want to play SA on pc, but having the game on more platforms can only be good for it.
  11. brawn

    Challenge: Living off Elektro

    Might be fun to try something similar at some point. I've yet to actually walk into either city because any time I get within a few hundred meters I usually get shot.
  12. I play the game to have fun. I play the game with my friends because it makes it more fun. We use ventrilo to chat while we play because it makes it more fun than running 7km in silence. If people want to play the game without using anything but in game voice then that's their choice and it doesn't bother me at all. If those same people decide they want to talk over ts/skype who am I to say that what they're doing is unfair? Sure it's not 100% realistic to the basic scenario the game puts forth but at the end of the day it's a game and certain liberties have to be taken to make it more enjoyable and keep people playing it. I play more than my fair share of the game on my own and have been killed by groups of people working together. Sure it's annoying but anybody that's playing this game has the ability to use the same chat programs and play with other people. Let's just say that for some crazy reason they decided that using 3rd party chat programs were banned. I could just as easily drive over to a friends place and we could play the game there together, chatting in person while still being 10km away from each other in game. It's part of almost all gaming now and people just have to accept that. If it's something they don't feel is right for them or their gaming experience then it's probably better to find a smaller community of like minded individuals.
  13. TLM servers were the first servers I played on in DayZ a few months back. My friends and I would only play there but that stopped not long after these issues cropped up. We had a few occurences in game that seemed a bit too coincidental to be random luck so we decided to take our play time elsewhere. We've had a hard time finding a good server but I would rather keep searching as opposed to supporting one that isn't trustworthy.
  14. Luckily I ended up with the high res textures from buying that ArmaX on steam when it was on sale before. Looks a fair bit better than it does for my friend who just plays using arma2+OA.