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Mocksey -1TS-

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About Mocksey -1TS-

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    On the Coast
  1. Mocksey -1TS-

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    Cannot wait for the next update, Rocket. I understand it will be done when it's done though. From one kiwi to another, I salute you! NZ rep!
  2. HALP~! Stuck in the ocean, name as above... Mocksey [1TS], ID: 13211270
  3. Mocksey -1TS-

    1.6.0 Clothing Change Swimming Bug

    Date/Time: 10/6/12 3:30pm GMT12+ What happened: logged back in to discover myself in the ocean Where you were: Originally 250m NE of Pulkovo What you were doing: Logging out, however I had earlier put on a camo suit and I've heard this can cause this. *Current installed version: 1.7 *Server(s) you were on: TX21 *Your system specs: i7 920 3.2ghz, ati HD7870, 6 gig gskill trichannel ram. *Timeline of events before/after error: Not a whole lot, put on camo, ran 2-3 KM... logged off in a forrest... upon logging back in I discovered myself in the ocean... I logged off 5 seconds later as I didn't want to lose items from my pack, changed server to see if that would make a difference, but it didn't... in game name is the same as my forum name.