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About TimtheBigDaddy

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. TimtheBigDaddy

    Banned From a Server hosted by spryzcarn

    Great news, it worked. Thanks so much.
  2. TimtheBigDaddy

    Banned From a Server hosted by spryzcarn

    Thank you so much Carnage, you're the best.
  3. TimtheBigDaddy

    Banned From a Server hosted by spryzcarn

    Oh, thank you very much Carnage. I greatly appreciate it.
  4. TimtheBigDaddy

    Banned From a Server hosted by spryzcarn

    Well if anyone is willing and has the time to do so, please go to the server on my behalf and try to get me unbanned. Thanks.
  5. TimtheBigDaddy

    Banned From a Server hosted by spryzcarn

    Well is anyone willing to go to the server and be my representative? Thanks for the help regardless though.
  6. TimtheBigDaddy

    Banned From a Server hosted by spryzcarn

    I just checked, and unfortunately, they don't seem to have a website. And this is just something I was thinking: But I was think someone would be willing to go to the server on my behalf and try to get me unbanned or something.
  7. TimtheBigDaddy

    Banned From a Server hosted by spryzcarn

    Okay, I'm answering both questions here. I don't know why I was banned. Whenever I try to join the server, it says: You were kicked off the game. (BattlEye: Admin Ban). The server's name is as follows: DayZChernarus - -veteran 650+ vehicles ;) Additional military buildings, crashedheli spawns | custom loadout , hosted by spryzcarn- Provided by Vilayer.com. Just type Spryzcarn into the server filter and it should be the only one that shows up.
  8. I was banned from a server, I have no idea why, and I want the ban to be lifted since it was my favorite server and had minimal PvP. Not to mention, it's one of the few servers that always has people on it and is close enough to have good connection with me. It says it's hosted by Spryzcarn or something. If someone can help me with this, please do. Sorry if I posted this in the wrong place, I'm just not sure where I should put it.