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voddler (DayZ)

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Everything posted by voddler (DayZ)

  1. voddler (DayZ)

    October Round-up: #DayZDaily

    Well, finishing the network bubble was the last thing before Alpha launch if I remember correctly....
  2. I'm not sure if we're building up too much hype for this week, but let's hope for the best! :)
  3. voddler (DayZ)

    October Round-up: #DayZDaily

    It does.
  4. voddler (DayZ)

    DayZ Standalone server signups ??

    I sure as hell don't for Private hives, might sound like a DayZ Hipster but I enjoyed when every server was kinda the same but without crosshair/thirdperson and that couple of stuff. Then people started making these PVP servers where you spawned in with a rifle, NVGs and all you could imagine just to ruin the experience finding them yourself.
  5. voddler (DayZ)

    Standalone: Foreign Weaponry

    Pretty much nailed it, this is my exact view on the topic with the weapons in Chernarus. Finding an M4A3 in a Chernarussian(??) firestation seems a bit odd :P
  6. voddler (DayZ)

    October Round-up: #DayZDaily

    "Vets" I don't consider a DayZ player a so called.. Veteran in any sort of way.
  7. voddler (DayZ)

    Will hackers really be subdued in SA? Not likely.

    Brilliant, but does that mean IF people are in that area the client will be able to pick up things from there? Like ESPs? Being a bit slow.
  8. voddler (DayZ)

    October Round-up: #DayZDaily

    Precisely! This is exactly what I was thinking of.
  9. voddler (DayZ)

    October Round-up: #DayZDaily

    Then why'd they use this engine for a zombie survival game? :P
  10. voddler (DayZ)

    October Round-up: #DayZDaily

    My opinion on the zombies have always been, you CAN run away from them but once you run out of stamina they'll be able to catch up and you'd have to take care of them.
  11. voddler (DayZ)

    October Round-up: #DayZDaily

    Nope, Bill's Zombie Adventure.
  12. voddler (DayZ)

    I figured it out (release date of SA)

    Battlefield 4 is the same as Battlefield 3, see I said it.
  13. voddler (DayZ)

    Bandits loosing style?

    This KoS guy is one of those people that ruined the game for me. It was all fine in June and early July.. But then you started encountering hackers, people that shot you when you didn't even have a single weapon on you. And it wasn't better when some pathethic YouTubers made a video or two *Cough* Pewdiepie *Cough* The problem is, these people that KoS will play Standalone and you'll have to find a server with mature people.. Sadly, there's not possible to find a server completely without those kinds of people unless you have a sign-up system where you have to be on the teamspeak to play. To be honset, that system would be the best in my opinion as you could replace it with having "Side chat" on... Side chat is also a bad thing, it makes people know exactly where they are if they tell you. It's like a virtual radio that shouldn't exist.
  14. voddler (DayZ)

    Change the destroyed clothing textures.

    Well, isn't there a single laundry machine that's still functiona in Chernarus? Hah.. (Might be used by bandits I guess) I bet ya I saw a picture of it a while ago in one of the DayZDaily updates. And yeah, you're right. My bad.
  15. voddler (DayZ)

    DayZ Early Access on SteamDB.info?

    Friendly in Cherno?
  16. voddler (DayZ)

    October Round-up: #DayZDaily

    To be honest, I've only met a single kid in my whole DayZ experience since June last year. Sadly, he shot me with his Winchester while yelling for help.. I bet he thought I was a zombie.
  17. voddler (DayZ)

    DayZ Early Access on SteamDB.info?

    Would be splendid if we could've gotten a release close to halloween.
  18. voddler (DayZ)

    Change the destroyed clothing textures.

    If you'd be able to wash the blood off, yeah.. That's a good idea.
  19. voddler (DayZ)

    October Round-up: #DayZDaily

    We all strive to get money, no one puts time and lots of effort for a product that won't get them a single penny. I've been on this forum for quite some time now, gotten warnings, gotten hate.. But all that matters is that the final product will be good, I've started to understand some people why they're getting impatient, but not starting a flamewar and stuff like that here on the forums. Keep going developers of DayZ SA, I hope it'll be out soon so we all can enjoy it without having a lot of impatient people, because that's literally the only type of people there are right now. (Excluding some people I guess)
  20. Hmm, so basically you're saying you deserve to? No.. You're as bad as everyone trying to protect the game as much as you can. Some people might get suspicious when we've been waiting for at least a year.. Yes, I'm aware it's only been in development for a year, but please... The idea is there, the crowd is there (Losing people), the only problem is time. You don't deserve anything that he doesn't, so please.. Be quiet about it if you have nothing nice to say. Besides, getting an alpha out isn't that bad.. Seeing how many bugs, glitches ARMA 2 w/ DayZ has it still got popular, but you know.. They're charging for this game, but so what? I've seen lots of games that charge money for an early product, Minecraft did the same, except it became shit when Jeb took over. What most people are saying, there's been a lot of time... But not that big progress for a year seeing other games have managed to do a lot in that time.. Ever seen what people can acomplish in just a day, yeah? A lot. Agreed, don't know why people keep bringing it up.
  21. Couldn't agree more. Too many people putting their time into making people ranting look like idiots. Being a member since June last year, me and a few others have been getting impatient for a while now. Yeah, I know there haven't been any promises.. But there's been estimated dates, and those seems to have been broken.
  22. voddler (DayZ)

    DayZ Alpha won't launch until launched !

    Wow.. Most companies seriously do.. You just have to be ready to grab it or apply for it. Not that difficult you know.. Leave that attitude somewhere else.
  23. voddler (DayZ)

    DayZ Alpha won't launch until launched !

    Let him decide what to do with his own life. If he's that impatient.. I am too, I'd hate if someone told me what you just said.
  24. Jesus, just because someone shares an opinion you post a baby picture? That's the most immature I've seen today, I'll probably get a lot of hate.. This guy might not be 100% correct, but at least he shares his thoughts.