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About accurize

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  1. accurize

    The day in the life of an utter expert

    This one time, I found some beans... I fuckin' ate those bitches.
  2. You have a perfect attitude and perspective about this game. I think you'll really be glad you got in on it early as they introduce more elements that will provide an even richer experience. Welcome aboard! I'll send you a Steam friend request also...
  3. accurize

    Death is final?

    Eventually, there will be tents. So you can stash spare rations, weapons and supplies to help get you going after death. Tents, when they get introduced, can get raided though. So hide your shit well. The game will progress so your not carrying your entire life savings on your back.
  4. accurize

    Map Spawns

    I've found them in police stations also. I showed a few my good map loot locations in my map tutorial video. The apartment buildings are a good spot also in my experience, forgot about that one.
  5. accurize

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113953

    If you want to access your med kit or any other storage container, put it in your hand rather than putting it on the ground to access it. Even after this fix, it's the safer way of accessing it.
  6. accurize

    Looking for a DayZ Standalone Mentor

    Add me on steam and whenever you come across any issues shoot me a message "Accurize", also check out my tutorials for topics such as movement, inventory, maps, ect... Again if you have a question not answered in those or via google or forum search, give me a shout. That goes for anyone new to the game or anyone with questions. Just message me on steam or on my yt channel under the discussion tab, I'll look into your issue.
  7. accurize

    Tips For Gearing Up?

    As stated earlier hitting the military base just north of Kamenka, then Zelenogorsk, then Green Mountain, then the military base south of Vybor and finally the NWAF is my preferred route... just drink water at every town from a well (or pond along the way - since it is currently safe). The only thing you need to really worry about on the coast is getting a few cans of food and a sharp object to open them. Normally if you follow this route and hit the barracks, tents and police stations along the way your geared up by the time you reach the NWAF, but if not and you still have to hit the NWAF then hopefully this video guide helps...
  8. Would you mind adding my threads with the movement and inventory tutorials I made? It pretty much covers the basic controls and inventory questions I noticed most of my friends who were new to the DayZ franchise had... Basic movement: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/159834-dayz-standalone-tutorial-basic-movement-tips-and-tricks-for-beginners/#entry1604712 Basic inventory: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/160724-dayz-standalone-tutorial-basic-inventory-guide-video/#entry1616253
  9. accurize

    every server is dark

    Here's a simple way to find yourself a 24/7 daytime server if you want one...
  10. I've considered doing this type of tutorial. I imagine it shouldn't be a problem. I would just have to record every time I came across something new. I know the melee weapons would be pretty beneficial to the beginners. I worry that the firearms have a good chance of getting tweaked in the near future for balancing. So I might wait on firearms for the moment until the dust settles a bit...maybe in the beta stage. But I think the melee tutorial / comparison is a great idea!
  11. Yeah, I've noticed that also. I know there are some night time only servers, but I'm assuming your not referring to those. The alpha world is a strange beast indeed. Good question. It seems to hold true...sometimes. I don't get it, maybe someone else can explain it. I definitely prefer filtering the servers as demonstrated in the video though.